LibriVox 9th Anniversary Collection
Gelesen von LibriVox Volunteers

This year is the 9th anniversary of our illustrious community, and readers have found and recorded 99 items with a connection with the number nine... neuf... neun... nueve...nove... девять...εννέα... There are short stories, poems, bible readings, non-fiction articles and songs.
The items are mostly in English, but this year we have one or more contributions in ten other languages: Ancient Greek, Dutch, German, Japanese, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian and Ukrainian. (Summary by RuthieG) (27 hr 0 min)
The Ninety and Nine from My Life and the Story of the Gospel Hymns and of Sacre…
Read by BookAngel7
Preservation of Nine Seamen from Thrilling Narratives of Mutiny, Murder and Pir…
Read by Bev J Stevens
Chapter 9 of Life in Camp: A History of the Nine Months' Service of the Fourte…
Read by BookAngel7
A true history of the massacre of ninety-six Christian Indians, at Gnadenhuette…
Read by Mary in Arkansas
The Nine-Banded Armadillo, from Quadrupeds, or Outlines of a Popular History of…
Read by Sue Anderson
Nice Collection of a "Nine" Theme

An interesting concept for a 9th anniversary. Volunteers do a nice job with readings. Variety of subject matter is impressive. Some subjects more interesting than others. Several warrant further research and reading. Good job, LibriVoxers!