
The Ocean of Theosophy

Read by KirksVoice

William Q. Judge

Judge wrote this book because he saw a need for a book about Theosophy that everyone could understand. Discussed are after-death states, r…


Read by Kevin Johnson


This is an incomplete dialogue from the late period of Plato's life. Plato most likely created it after Republic and it contains the famous …

A Guide to Stoicism

Read by Bill Boerst

St. George William Joseph Stock

This book is a primer on the philosophy of stoicism, resurrected from its origins in Greek and Roman philosophy. The original philosophy was…

The Morals (Moralia), Book 1

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Lucius Mestrius Plutarchus

The Moralia (or The morals or Matters relating to customs and mores) is a work by the 1st-century Greek scholar Plutarch of Chaeronea. It is…

The Sayings of Lao Tzu

Read by Nemo

Lao Tzu

Lao-Tzu, also known as Laozi was a Chinese philosopher believed to have lived in the 6th century BCE and is credited with writing the Tao-Te…

Bhagavadgita - des Erhabenen Sang

Read by Christian Al-Kadi

Unknowntranslated Byleopold Von Schroeder and Translated Byleopold Von Schroeder

Die Bhagavadgita ist eine der zentralen Schriften des Hinduismus. Sie hat die Form eines spirituellen Gedichts. Der vermutlich zwischen dem …


Read by Simon-Peter Zak


In Plato's ION, Socrates questions Ion, whether he should really claim laud and glory for his 'rhapsodic' recitals of Homer's poetry.—Descri…

Posterior Analytics

Read by Geoffrey Edwards


Posterior Analytics is the fourth of Aristotle's six texts on logic which are collectively known as the Organon ("Instrument"). Po…

Critón o el deber

Read by Tux


Diálogo entre Sócrates y Critón, horas antes de la ejecución del filósofo, en que se trata del deber. Su…

She-rab Dong-bu (The Tree of Wisdom)

Read by Chris Masterson


The She-rab Dong-bu (Tree of Wisdom) is a metrical translation in Tibetan of a Sanscrit ethical work entitled Prajnya Danda, written by Naga…

Prior Analytics

Read by Geoffrey Edwards


Prior Analytics is the third of Aristotle's six texts on logic which are collectively known as the Organon ("Instrument"). In Prio…

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (version 2)

Read by Jothi Tharavant


The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali are in themselves exceedingly brief, less than ten pages of large type in the original. Yet they contain the es…

Parva Naturalia

Read by Geoffrey Edwards


Parva Naturalia [the "short treatises on nature" (a conventional Latin title first used by Giles of Rome)] is a collection of book…

Musings of a Chinese Mystic: Selections from the Philosophy of Chuang Tzu

Read by Scotty Smith

Lionel Giles

If Lao Tzu then had revolted against the growing artificiality of life in his day, a return to nature must have seemed doubly imperative to …

Des Sokrates Verteidigung (Apologie)

Read by redaer


Platon (427 v. Chr.–348 v. Chr.) läßt Sokrates sein Leben darstellen und beurteilen sowie seine Einstellung zum Tod. Überset…

Chandogya Upanishad

Read by Jothi Tharavant

Unknowntranslated Byf. Max Müller and Translated Byf. Max Müller

The word Upanishad (upa-ni-shad) consists of, "Upa" means "near;" "ni" means "down;" "shad"…


Read by Geoffrey Edwards


Sophist (Ancient Greek: Σοφιστής) discusses being and not-being while drawing a distinction between the philosopher and the sophist. - Summa…

On the Ends of Good and Evil

Read by Geoffrey Edwards

Marcus Tullius Cicero

On the Ends of Good and Evil (Latin: DE FINIBUS BONORUM ET MALORUM) discusses Skeptic, Epicurean, Stoic, Peripatetic and Academic views on t…


Read by Kevin Johnson


Jowett, in his always informative introduction, sees this dialogue as transitional between the early and middle dialogues. Socrates meets wi…


Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Marcus Aurelius

El emperador romano Marco Aurelio además de ser recordado por su buen gobierno, ha pasado a la posteridad por esta obra singular&iacu…

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