Literary Criticism

Bunyan Characters Volume II

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Alexander Whyte

This is the second volume of four which goes into the details of Characters from John Bunyan's books. This one continues with the characters…

Old and New Masters

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Robert Lynd

Jane Austen, WB Yeats, Chesterton, Shaw... these are personal and intelligent short essays on a selection of great (and great-ish) writers: …

A Student's History of American Literature

Read by Bellona Times

William Simonds

Engaging history of American Lit from the 1600's up through the late 1890's. The author, who was a professor at Knox College, really put a …

Shakespeare Identified

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

J. Thomas Looney

That one who is not a recognized authority or an expert in literature should attempt the solution of a problem which has so far baffled spec…

Companionable Books

Read by MaryAnn

Henry van Dyke

Many books are dry and dusty, there is no juice in them; and many are soon exhausted, you would no more go back to them than to a squeezed o…

The Quintessence of Ibsenism

Read by Expatriate

George Bernard Shaw

Ein Vade mecum für den Hrn. Sam. Gotth. Lange Pastor in Laublingen

Read by Marilianus

Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

Lessings Kritik an der Horazübersetzung des seinerzeit bekannten Pastors Lange ist unerbittlich und von fast brutaler Genauigkeit. Aus …

Ars Poetica and Carmen Saeculare

Read by Leni

Quintus Horatius Flaccus

The Ars Poetica, by Horace, also known as Epistula ad Pisones, is a treatise on poetry written in the form of a letter, and published around…

Prejudices, First Series

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

H. L. Mencken

Mencken sharpens his pen and in a collection of short essays delivers acerbic opinions on issues and persons of the time. Among his targets…

Characters of Shakespeare's Plays

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

William Hazlitt

This famous Shakespearean exploration illuminates its plays through the frame of character, while also weighing theme, mood, structure and p…

The Welsh And Their Literature

Read by Eric Metzler

George Borrow

Originally an article in the US Edition of the London Quarterly Review, George Borrow offers a sweeping history of Welsh literature, beginni…

On the Sublime

Read by Amelia Chesley

Unknowntranslated Byherbert Lord Havell and Translated Byherbert Lord Havell

This is a classical text on aesthetics and proper style in writing and rhetoric, including commentary on various ancient Greek works such as…

Greek Literature

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Henry Julius Wetenhall Tillyard

"The Greeks were the most intellectual people of the old world. … The study of Greek literature is therefore a proper element in a libe…

Margaret of Angoulême, Queen of Navarre

Read by Pamela Nagami

Agnes Mary Frances Robinson

Margaret of Angoulême, Queen of Navarre (Marguerite de Navarre), (1492-1549), was the sister of Francis I, King of France. She was hig…

The Novels of Jane Austen

Read by Barbara Baker

George Henry Lewes

An 1859 essay by the prominent philosopher and literary critic, G. H. Lewes, who was an enthusiastic promoter of the novels of Jane Austen a…

Essays on Paul Bourget

Read by John Greenman

Mark Twain

Collection of short essays concerning French novelist and critic Paul Bourget. Included: "What Paul Bourget Thinks of Us" and &quo…

The Secret of Charlotte Brontë

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Frederika Richardson Macdonald

Twenty years ago, now, I attempted (but was not especially successful in the task) to establish upon the personal knowledge that my own resi…

The Spirit of American Literature

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

John Albert Macy

THE SPIRIT OF AMERICAN LITERATURE is a collection of essays reviewing contemporary authors on the literary scene at the turn of the century …

Joseph Conrad

Read by David Wales

Hugh Walpole

This is a literary biography of Joseph Conrad (1857 – 1924) who is regarded as one of the greatest novelists in English. He was granted Brit…

English Literature

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Geraldine Hodgson

This book is not meant to be a History of English Literature, but an introduction for those who do not know much about it, or who may be thi…

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