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Chapitres 25-29

In Nous deux

Read by Ezwa

Paul Bilhaud

« Riquette et Riquet s'aiment, c'est là l'important. Que voudriez-vous savoir de plus ? Comment ils se sont connus ? Où …

60 - De ijsjonkvrouw - De ijsjonkvrouw.

In Andersens Sproken en vertellingen

Read by Ezwa

H.C. Andersen, naverteld door S.J. Andriessen and Hans Christian Andersen

Sprookjes van Hans Christiaan Andersen, naverteld door Simon Jacob Andriessen. Deze verzameling bevat een aantal overbekende sprookjes, zoal…

The Pulley - Read by EZWA

In The Pulley

Read by Ezwa

George Herbert

LibriVox volunteers bring you 11 different recordings of The Pulley by George Herbert. This was the weekly poetry project for the week of Ju…

You are Old, Father William - Read by EZWA

In You are Old, Father William

Read by Ezwa

Lewis Carroll

LibriVox volunteers bring you 18 different recordings of You are Old, Father William by Lewis Carroll. This was the weekly poetry project fo…

55 - The Cock and Hen that Went to the Dovrefell

In Popular Tales from the Norse

Read by Ezwa

George Dasent and Sir George Webbe Dasent

The most careless reader can hardly fail to see that many of the Tales in this volume have the same groundwork as those with which he has be…

16 - The Voice of Death

In The Red Fairy Book

Read by Ezwa

Andrew Lang

The Red Fairy Book is the second in a series of twelve books known as Andrew Lang's Fairy Books or Andrew Lang's "Coloured" Books.…

Stephen with the Shining Face

In Hurlbut's Story of the Bible Part 7

Read by Ezwa

Jesse Lyman Hurlbut

Some years ago, the editor of an English magazine sent a communication to "the hundred greatest men in Great Britain" asking them …

I - Chap.6 - Où les voyageurs commencent à éprouver quelques difficultés, princ…

In Kéraban-le-têtu

Read by Ezwa

Jules Verne

Kéraban-le-Têtu est un roman de Jules Verne paru en 1883, décrivant les tribulations d'un vendeur de tabac turc (K&eacut…

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