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The $30,000 Bequest and Other Stories

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Mark Twain

A book of short stories and humorous anecdotes by Mark Twain, published together in 1906. (Summary by Tricia G)

Songs of the Road

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Although best known for the creation of the detective Sherlock Holmes, Arthur Conan Doyle did not only write works of mystery and of adventu…

Just Sixteen

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Susan Coolidge

A collection of short stories from the author of the What Katy Did series, for an audience ranging from younger to older children - and enjo…

20 Poemas Para Ser Leídos En El Tranvía

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Oliverio Girondo

Después de viajar por España, Francia, Italia, el norte de África y Brasil, Oliverio Giraldo escribió "20 p…

Complete Original Short Stories of Guy de Maupassant

Read by Tatiana Chichilla

Guy de Maupassant

Guy de Maupassant was, and is to this day, one of the world's most celebrated short story writers. He famously tackled topics like the Franc…

Rimas Versión 2

Read by Epachuko

Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer

Las "Rimas" de Becquer pueden presumir de ser, probablemente, el conjunto de poemas más conocido, y recitado de memoria, po…

Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins

Read by Linda Leu

Robert Bridges

Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844–89) was an English poet, educated at Oxford. Entering the Roman Catholic Church in 1866 and the Jesuit novitiate…

Tales of Three Hemispheres

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Lord Dunsany

Tales of Three Hemispheres is a collection of fantasy short stories by Lord Dunsany. The first edition was published in Boston by John W. Lu…

The Garden of Love

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

William Blake

William Blake was an English poet, painter and printmaker. Largely unrecognized during his lifetime, Blake is now considered a seminal figur…

Poema del otoño y otros poemas

Read by KendalRigans

Rubén Darío

En este libro de poemas Rubén Darío expresa la sencillez de su obra, trata de diversas materias, combinando incluso la mitolog…

The Lay of the Last Minstrel

Read by Peter Tucker

Sir Walter Scott

An aging minstrel seeks who hospitality at Newark Castle and in recompense tells a tale of a sixteenth-century Border feud. In the poem, Lad…

Los Heraldos Negros

Read by KendalRigans

César Vallejo Mendoza

Los heraldos negros es el título de un libro de poemas escrito por el poeta peruano César Vallejo entre 1915 y 1918, y publica…

A Noite na Taverna: contos phantásticos

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Alvares de Azevedo and Alvares De Azevedo

"A Noite na Taverna" é uma antologia de cinco contos do autor brasileiro Álvares de Azevedo. Foi publicada sob o pse…

Beauties of Tennyson

Read by Sam Stinson

Alfred, Lord Tennyson

A collection of Tennyson's poetry : 1 The Brook - 00:16 2 Song from "Maud" - 1:20 3 A Farewell - 2:34 4 Song from “Maud” - 3:26…

Wine, Water and Song

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

G. K. Chesterton

A collection of 16 poems by G.K. Chesterton. All of the poems in this book, except for "The Strange Ascetic" are taken from "…

The Kitchen Cat and Other Stories

Read by Phil Chenevert

Amy Walton

These are three stories that will delight your heart and soul. The little girl Ruth in the first story is very privileged young lady with …

Historia de una anguila y otras historias

Read by Epachuko

Anton Chekhov

Recopilación de cuentos de uno de los grandes maestros del género: Antón Chéjov. Summary by Epachuko

Ebony and Crystal

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Clark Ashton Smith

As stated in L'Alouette: A Magazine of Verse, "Ebony and Crystal is an artist's intrepid repudiation of the world of trolleys and cash-…

South Sea Tales

Read by Warren Kati

Jack London

The eight short stories that comprise South Sea Tales are powerful tales that vividly evoke the early 1900’s colonial South Pacific islands.…

A Collection Of Stories, Reviews And Essays

Read by David Wales

Willa Sibert Cather and Willa Cather

Stories and essays by Willa Cather - Summary by david wales

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