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Crime and Punishment (Version 4 Dramatic Reading)

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Fyodor Dostoyevsky

The story tells of the inner turmoil of Rodion Raskolnikov, a student in St. Petersburg who commits murder. His psychological and moral agit…

The Sun Also Rises

Read by KevinS

Ernest Hemingway

The Sun Also Rises (1926) was Hemingway's first novel to be published, though there is his novella The Torrents of Spring which was publishe…

Marguerite de Valois

Read by John Van Stan

Alexandre Dumas

A historical fiction novel set in Paris (1572) during Charles IX's reign and the French Wars of Religion. Marguerite de Valois, daughter of …

Sister Carrie

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Theodore Dreiser

Theodore Dreiser (1871–1945) was an American author of the naturalist school, known for dealing with the gritty reality of life. Sister Carr…

The Dream of the Red Chamber Book I

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Xueqin Cao

The Dream of the Red Chamber (also known as The Story of the Stone) is one of the Four Great Classical Novels of China, and considered the g…

La garçonne

Read by Pauline Latournerie

Victor Margueritte

Ce "roman de moeurs" à thèse présente une jeune femme indépendante menant une vie sexuelle très…

Florentinische Nächte

Read by Hokuspokus

Heinrich Heine

Maximilian erzählt seiner kranken Freundin auf Anraten des Arztes "närrische Geschichten", damit sie ruhig liegen bleibt…

Cuentos de Hadas

Read by Victor Villarraza

Charles Perrault

Perrault fue un autor francés que puso las bases por escrito de un nuevo género que haría historia, la de los "Cue…


Read by Greg W.

Knut Hamsun

Hunger (Norwegian: Sult) is a novel by the Norwegian author Knut Hamsun and was published in its final form in 1890. The novel has been hail…

Hide and Seek

Read by Anna Simon

Wilkie Collins

The artist Valentine Blyth has a very generous heart. He lovingly cares for his invalid wife, rescues a deaf orphan girl from maltreatment i…

The Aspern Papers

Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)

Henry James

One of James’s favorite short novels, the Aspern Papers tells of the efforts of the nameless narrator to procure the papers of a famous, bu…

Sons and Lovers (Version 2)

Read by Tony Foster

D. H. Lawrence

Lawrence summarised the plot of Sons and Lovers in a letter to Edward Garnett in 1912:“It follows this idea: a woman of character and refine…

こころ (Kokoro)

Read by ekzemplaro

Sōseki Natsume

語り手は、鎌倉の海岸で、先生と知り合いになる。東京に戻ってからも度々、先生の家を訪ねた。先生は、苦悩持っていた。先生の友人Kが、先生が若い頃に自殺をした。先生は、毎月、その友人の墓を訪ねていた。 語り手が、大学を卒業し、父の病の為に帰省したままで、東京に戻れない時、先生からの遺書…

Nicht der Mörder, der Ermordete ist schuldig

Read by Boris

Franz Werfel

Karl Duschek steht im Schatten seines dominanten, strengen, unerbittlichen Vaters, der ein äußerst erfolgreicher Offizier der KuK…


Read by Hans Hafen

Theodor Fontane

Die junge Ernestine Rehbein, genannt Stine, lebt in einfachen kleinbürgerlichen Verhältnissen bei ihrer verwitweten Schwester Paul…

Nada menos que todo un hombre

Read by Mongope

Miguel De Unamuno

Alejandro, es un hombre muy rico llegado de no se sabe dónde y quizá con un pasado traumático. Es un hombre sencillo, p…

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (version 3)

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Mark Twain

An adventure story for children, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a fun-filled book that shows life along the Mississippi River in the 1840s.…

Der Zweikampf

Read by Boris

Heinrich von Kleist

Im späten Mittelalter wird der Adlige Herzog Wilhelm von Breysach heimtückisch durch einen Pfeil ermordet. Die Nachforschungen erg…

Los Miserables: Tomo III

Read by Mongope

Victor Hugo

En este tercer volumen aparece Marius. Mario es criado por su abuelo, éste le hace creer que su padre, un coronel del ejército…

Frau Bovary

Read by Boris

Gustave Flaubert

Emma Bovary ist unglücklich: sie ist mit einem rechtschaffenen Arzt verheiratet, der sie gut behandelt, jedoch nicht die Erfüllung…

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