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The Hundred Best English Poems

Read by Bruce Kachuk


This wonderful collection of poems showcases the incredible talent of the some of the greatest poets in the world. These creative masterpiec…

The Little People of the Snow

Read by Bruce Kachuk

William Cullen Bryant

Filled with the exuberance of youth and the thrill of discovery, Eva embarks on a Winter walk across snowy fields venturing farther and long…

The Dawn Patrol, and Other Poems of an Aviator

Read by Bruce Kachuk

Paul Bewsher

Paul Bewsher writes poems of a wartime aviator from his heart and soul. His heart longs for an end to the perils of war and the forced destr…

Enoch Arden

Read by Bruce Kachuk

Alfred, Lord Tennyson

In the poem "Enoch Arden," Tennyson's epic narrative of the enduring power of love in the face of insurmountable odds, is found a …

Selections from Longfellow

Read by Bruce Kachuk

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

These are twelve magnificent poems that convey the brilliant talent of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow at its best. These are poems that speak of…

Poems of the Great War

Read by Bruce Kachuk


At a time when the need for courage and tenacity of the British people was at its peak, these poems published at the outset of the First Wor…

Watt's Songs Against Evil

Read by Bruce Kachuk

Isaac Watts

This small volume of inspirational verse is a collection of the timeless work of the hymnist and theologian, Isaac Watts. Carefully and tact…

Bay: A Book of Poems

Read by Bruce Kachuk

D. H. Lawrence

The superb skill and dexterity of D.H. Lawrence, a writer who profoundly influenced the literature of the twentieth century, is very evident…

The Sonnets of John Keats

Read by Bruce Kachuk

John Keats

The superb poetic skill and exquisite sensitivity of John Keats is brilliantly illustrated in this collection of meticulously selected sonne…

Sea-Fairies and Other Poems

Read by Bruce Kachuk

Alfred, Lord Tennyson

This amazing collection of some of Tennyson's best and most capricious poems takes us on a whimsical voyage, an allegorical voyage like no o…

A Selection from the Sonnets of William Wordsworth

Read by Bruce Kachuk

William Wordsworth

This is a very impressive collection of some of the best sonnets from the pen of the incomparable William Wordsworth. The appreciation that …

Watt's Songs Against Faults

Read by Bruce Kachuk

Isaac Watts

These superb poems by the hymnist and theologian Isaac Watts emphasize the importance of developing a positive moral outlook and stress the …

Greetings from Longfellow

Read by Bruce Kachuk

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

This is a wonderful selection of six of the greatest works from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, unquestionably one of the world's most celebrate…

The Sunken Garden and Other Poems

Read by Bruce Kachuk

Walter De la Mare and Walter De La Mare

This fantastic adventure into the realms of the imagination is a superb example of the incomparable skill of poet Walter de la Mare. In this…


Read by Bruce Kachuk

John Keats

In his wonderful interpretation of the classic tale of Lamia - the mythological entity portrayed as being a deadly threat especially to chil…

The Cheery Way, a Bit of Verse for Every Day - December

Read by Bruce Kachuk

John Kendrick Bangs

There should be a bit of poetry in every day, and John Kendrick Bangs wrote a fitting poem for each day in the year. In 1920, a book was pub…

Peacock Pie: A Book of Rhymes

Read by Bruce Kachuk

Walter De La Mare

These wonderful, whimsical poems from the incomparable Walter de la Mare describe the bliss of childhood, explore the marvel of a child's im…

The White Canoe and Other Verse

Read by Bruce Kachuk

Alan Sullivan

This early collection of Alan Sullivan's work is from the pen of a young Canadian author who portrays Canada's short Summer season as the vo…

The Cheery Way, a Bit of Verse for Every Day - June

Read by Bruce Kachuk

John Kendrick Bangs

There should be a bit of poetry in every day, and John Kendrick Bangs wrote a fitting poem for each day in the year. In 1920, a book was pub…

Recruiting Songs

Read by Bruce Kachuk

Temple Scott

This rousing collection of poems is sure to bring out patriotic sentiments in us all. These works were written with the glories of victory i…

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