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In Verses

Read by Ezwa

Susan Coolidge

Susan Coolidge was the pen name of Sarah Chauncey Woolsey, who is best known for her What Katy Did series. This is the first of three volume…

I see His Blood upon the Rose Read by EZWA

In I see His Blood upon the Rose

Read by Ezwa

Joseph Mary Plunkett

LibriVox volunteers bring you 12 different recordings of I see His Blood upon the Rose by Joseph Mary Plunkett. This was the weekly poetry p…

Version 4

In Danse Russe

Read by Ezwa

William Carlos Williams

Williams spent his life as a doctor practicing pediatric medicine in northern New Jersey, a few miles west of New York City. During the work…

Sur la naissance de notre Seigneur Jesus-Christ

In Multilingual Poetry Collection 004

Read by Ezwa

M. Girard and M Girard

In LibriVox’s Multilingual Poetry Collection, LibriVox volunteers read their favourite public-domain poems in languages other than English. …

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