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Selected Poems

Read by Newgatenovelist

Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz and Sor Juana Inés De La Cruz

Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz was a nun, poet, dramatist and composer from Mexico. These poems were translated by Muna Lee, Peter H. Gold…

A Marigold Miscellany

Read by Newgatenovelist

Arthur William Fisher, Franklin H. Mackey, Mary Pettus Thomas, Harvey Maitland Watts, Catherine Wheeler, George Wither and Susan Augusta Woodbridge

This collection celebrates the marigold in verse from the 17th through the 20th centuries. - Summary by Newgatenovelist

Selected Poems

Read by Newgatenovelist

Luis Muñoz Marín

Luis Muñoz Marín was the first elected governor of Puerto Rico as well as a poet. This collection includes poems published fro…

Selected Poems

Read by Newgatenovelist

Thomas Parker Sanborn

Thomas Parker Sanborn was an American poet from Massachusetts. In this collection of his work, published from 1883 to 1886 in The Harvard Mo…

Selected Poems

Read by Newgatenovelist

Rafael Cabrera

Rafael Cabrera was a Mexican poet and diplomat who also studied medicine. These poems were translated by Alice Stone Blackwell and were publ…

Selected Poems

Read by Newgatenovelist

Rufino Blanco Fombona

Rufino Blanco Fombona was a Venezuelan poet who was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature. These poems were translated by Muna Lee and…

Selected Poems - Casal

Read by Newgatenovelist

José Julián del Casal and José Julián Del Casal

Julián del Casal was a Cuban poet and exponent of the modernismo literary movement. These poems were translated by Thomas Walsh, Jorg…

Poesies from Abroad

Read by Newgatenovelist

Florence Henniker

Florence Henniker was a British poet and novelist whose ‘Poesies from Abroad’ was first published in Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine in Septe…

Selected Poems

Read by Newgatenovelist

Leopoldo Lugones

Leopoldo Lugones was a poet, short story author, novelist and biographer from Argentina. These poems were translated by Alice Stone Blackwel…

Selected Poems

Read by Newgatenovelist

Pauline B. Barrington

Pauline B. Barrington was an American poet and playwright. These poems were published between 1916 and 1918 and take for their inspiration t…

Selected Poems - Martinez

Read by Newgatenovelist

Rafael Arévalo Martínez

Rafael Arévalo Martínez was a Guatemalan poet, novelist, short story author and directory of the National Library in Guatemala…

Selected Poems - Urbina

Read by Newgatenovelist

Luis Urbina

Luis Urbina was a Mexican poet and the director of the National Library of Mexico. These poems were originally published from 1916 to 1925 a…

Selected Poems

Read by Newgatenovelist

José Asunción Silva

José Asunción Silva was a Colombian poet and exponent of the modernismo literary movement. These poems were translated by Muna…

Selected Poems

Read by Newgatenovelist

Elfrida De Renne Barrow

Elfrida De Renne Barrow was an American poet and a curator of the Georgia Historical Society. These poems were published between 1922 and 19…

At a Month's End

In Short Poetry Collection 182

Read by Newgatenovelist

Algernon Charles Swinburne

This is a collection of 41 poems read in English by LibriVox volunteers for July 2018.

Every point of Love is fair

In Short Poetry Collection 187

Read by Newgatenovelist

Leopold Schefer

This is a collection of 32 poems read in English by LibriVox volunteers for December 2018.

Some results not appropriate to all audiences were removed. Repeat this search, including explicit results.

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