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3:9 Under the Oak Tree

In To Let (Forsyte Saga Vol. 3)

Read by Simon Evers

John Galsworthy

‘The Forsyte Saga’ is the story of a wealthy London family stretching from the eighteen-eighties until the nineteen-twenties.To Let is the t…

Chapter 57

In Middlemarch

Read by Simon Evers

George Eliot

The book examines the role of education in the lives of the characters and how such education and study has affected the characters. Rosamon…

02 - Night--The Flock--An Interior--Another Interior

In Far from the Madding Crowd

Read by Simon Evers

Thomas Hardy

Far from the Madding Crowd (1874) is Thomas Hardy's fourth novel and offers in ample measure the details of English rural life that Hardy so…

Chapter 11 - Our People Are Affected by the Presence of Royalty

In The Trumpet-Major

Read by Simon Evers

Thomas Hardy

Our heroine, Anne Garland, lives quietly in a rural community deep in the English countryside. However, the arrival of several regiments pr…

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