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Read by Sue Anderson

Cecil Warburton

The mental capacity of spiders; web architecture; spiders that live under water, even though they need air to breath; spiders that mimic ant…

Our Search for a Wilderness, An Account of Two Ornithological Expeditions to Ve…

Read by Sue Anderson

William Beebe and Blair Niles

In 1908-1909, Mary Blair Beebe and her husband, C. William Beebe made two private expeditions to Venezuela and British Guiana, exploring and…

Migration of Birds

Read by Sue Anderson

U.S. Fish And Wildlife Service and U. S. Fish And Wildlife Service

Snow Geese which left James Bay, Canada, arrived at the Louisiana Gulf coast "60 hours later after a continuous flight of over 1,700 mi…

Towards Democracy

Read by Sue Anderson

Edward Carpenter

“Civilization sinks and swims, but the old facts remain—the sun smiles, knowing well its strength.” Edward Carpenter (1844-1929) wrote his …

The Deportation Cases of 1919-1920

Read by Sue Anderson

Constantine Panunzio

"The study here presented embodies the findings of an investigation into the recent [1919-1920] deportations of persons deemed to be un…

01 - The Feel of the Outdoors; How We Found Mojave

In The White Heart of Mojave

Read by Sue Anderson

Edna Brush Perkins

"The White Heart of the Mojave" recounts a 1920's adventure "in the wind and sun and big spaces" of Death Valley by two …

Impressions of Sydney

In Australian Miscellany

Read by Sue Anderson

Mrs. Allan Macpherson (?-1857-?) and Mrs. Allan Macpherson

A collection in celebration of 2012 Year of Reading Australia. Readers chose fiction, non fiction and poetry - we only asked that the readin…

01 - Arrival at Balize; A Visit to the Carib Indians

In Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan, Vol. 1

Read by Sue Anderson

John Lloyd Stephens

The year is 1838. The scene is the dense Honduran forest along the Copán River. Two men, John Lloyd Stephens and Frederick Catherwood…

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