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Homily 19, Part 2 - MT 6:9-15: On the Lord's Prayer

In The Sermon on the Mount - Commentary

Read by A LibriVox Volunteer

St. John Chrysostom

Saint John Chrysostom's Homilies 15-25, on the Gospel of Saint Matthew, expound upon Matthew Chapters 5-7, known as The Sermon on the Mount,…

Sisinnius, Gaddanas, Elias, Sabas, Abramius, The Elder Melania, Silvania, Olymp…

In The Lausiac History

Read by A LibriVox Volunteer


The Lausiac History (Historia Lausiaca) is a seminal work archiving the Desert Fathers (early Christian monks who lived in the Egyptian dese…

Chapters 8 - 13

In Bible (KJV) Apocrypha/Deuterocanon: Wisdom of Solomon

Read by A LibriVox Volunteer

King James Version

In the Orthodox Church, during the Great Vespers of celebrated Saints, such as Saint Nicholas the Wonder-worker and the Holy Great Martyr Eu…

Section 1

In My Life in Christ: Extracts from the Diary of Saint John of Kronstadt

Read by A LibriVox Volunteer

Saint John of Kronstadt and Saint John Of Kronstadt

Moments of Spiritual Serenity and Contemplation,of Reverent Feeling, of Earnest Self-Amendment,and of Peace in God.

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