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How to Tell a Story, and Other Essays

Read by Claudia Salto

Mark Twain

In his inimitable way, Mark Twain gives sound advice about how to tell a story, then lets us in on some curious incidents he experienced, an…

Backfischchen's Leiden und Freuden

Read by Claudia Salto

Clementine Helm

Dieses Buch der im 19. Jahrhundert sehr erfolgreichen Jugendschriftstellerin Clementine Helm erzählt auf liebevolle Weise die Geschicht…

Our Little German Cousin

Read by Claudia Salto

Mary Hazelton Blanchard Wade

This book is part of the "Our Little Cousin" series, written for North American children to tell them about their 'cousins' from o…

John Gutenberg, First Master Printer: His Acts and Most Remarkable Discourses a…

Read by Claudia Salto

Franz Von Dingelstedt

This is a brief sketch of the last years of the life of Johannes (John) Gutenberg, the man who invented the movable letter press. We join hi…

Die Handarbeit

In Die Frauen und ihr Beruf

Read by Claudia Salto

Luise Büchner

Luise Büchner war eine deutsche Schriftstellerin und Frauenrechtlerin. In ihrem Buch "Die Frauen und ihr Beruf", erstmals ers…

Sunset in the Tropics - read by CCS

In Sunset in the Tropics

Read by Claudia Salto

James Weldon Johnson

LibriVox volunteers bring you 14 recordings of "Sunset in the Tropics." This is the Weekly Poetry for the week of August 10, 2014.…

September - read by CCS

In September

Read by Claudia Salto

Madison Cawein

LibriVox volunteers bring you ten readings of September by Madison Cawein. This was the weekly poetry project for the week of September 21st…

The Step-mother

In The Wonder Clock

Read by Claudia Salto

Howard Pyle

"Four and twenty marvellous tales, one for each hour of the day," retold in a novel and entertaining manner by a master of the for…

The Miniature - Read by CCs

In The Miniature

Read by Claudia Salto

George Pope Morris

George Pope Morris was an American editor, poet, and songwriter. In addition to his publishing and editorial work, Morris was popular as a p…

The Ships that Won't Go Down - Read by CCS

In The Ships that Won't Go Down

Read by Claudia Salto

Henry Lawson

Henry Lawson was an Australian writer and poet. Along with his contemporary Banjo Paterson, Lawson is among the best-known Australian poets …

At "Fairfield's," Wenham

In Stray Pebbles From The Shores Of Thought

Read by Claudia Salto

Elizabeth Porter Gould

A collection of poetry by the Boston poetess. Sections are nature, love, miscellaneous, sonnets and 'for my nieces and nephews'. - Summary b…

The Power of Words - Read by CCS

In The Power of Words

Read by Claudia Salto

Letitia Elizabeth Landon

Letitia Elizabeth Landon was an English poet and novelist, better known by her initials L. E. L.

German - Im Herbste

In Multilingual Short Works Collection 013

Read by Claudia Salto

Theodor Storm

This is a collection of short pieces, poetry or prose, fiction and non-fiction, in several different languages (except standard English). Al…