In Die Frauen und ihr Beruf
Luise Büchner war eine deutsche Schriftstellerin und Frauenrechtlerin. In ihrem Buch "Die Frauen und ihr Beruf", erstmals ers…
In Sunset in the Tropics
LibriVox volunteers bring you 14 recordings of "Sunset in the Tropics." This is the Weekly Poetry for the week of August 10, 2014.…
In Stray Pebbles From The Shores Of Thought
A collection of poetry by the Boston poetess. Sections are nature, love, miscellaneous, sonnets and 'for my nieces and nephews'. - Summary b…
In Multilingual Short Works Collection 013
This is a collection of short pieces, poetry or prose, fiction and non-fiction, in several different languages (except standard English). Al…