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An Leonoren bei dem andern Abschiede

In Leonorenlieder

Read by Crln Yldz Ksr

Johann Christian Günther

Dies ist eine Sammlung von Liebesgedichten des deutschen Dichters Johann Christian Günther. Obwohl seine Lebensdaten in das barocke Zei…

The Bride

In Songs, Merry and Sad

Read by Crln Yldz Ksr

John Charles McNeill and John Charles Mcneill

This is the only volume of poetry published during John Charles McNeill's lifetime, containing 59 of his 400+ poems. McNeill was considered …

'I Have Been to Hy-Brasail'

In Ballads and Poems

Read by Crln Yldz Ksr

Dora Sigerson Shorter

This is a volume of poetry by Dora Sigerson Shorter. This volume contains seven of Ms. Shorter's Ballads, a series of miscellaneous poems, a…

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