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11 - Mrs. Dodd's Third Husband

In At The Sign of The Jack O'Lantern

Read by Daryl Wor

Myrtle Reed

This begins with an odd inheritance at the end of a honeymoon, both parties being inexperienced. Then someone comes to visit, then another, …

Little Upsidaisi

In The Book of Clever Beasts

Read by Daryl Wor

Myrtle Reed

A humorous book, hitting off the many writers who have returned to nature and made intimate friends in the Animal World. The author describe…

Chapter One: What's In A Name?

In Peggy Raymond's Way (or Blossom Time At Friendly Terrace)

Read by Daryl Wor

Harriet Lummis Smith

In this fifth and (as far as is known) final volume of Peggy Raymond and her Friendly Terrace entourage, we find the Girls winding down from…

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