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Het onverbeterlijke poesje

In Alles Zingt

Read by Foon

Pieter Louwerse

Het eerste deel van Liedjes en rijmpjes voor het kleine volkje. (Samenvatting door Marcel Coenders)

The Chaos

In Short Poetry Collection 183

Read by Foon

Gerald Nolst Trenité

This is a collection of 35 poems read in English by LibriVox volunteers for August 2018.

32 - Brynhild's Hel-ride

In Elder Eddas of Saemund Sigfusson; and the Younger Eddas of Snorre Sturleson

Read by Foon

Sæmund Sigfusson and Snorri Sturleson

The most complete set of the epic Norse eddas, or poems. It contains in beautiful verse the pagan beliefs of the Old Norse. Luckily in this …

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