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Three Ecumenical Creeds

Read by Jonathan Lange

Unknowntranslated Byfriedrich Bente and Translated Byfriedrich Bente

"Ecumenical creeds" is an umbrella term used in the western church to refer to the Nicene Creed, the Apostles' Creed, and the Atha…

The Defense of the Augsburg Confession

Read by Jonathan Lange

Philipp Melanchthon

The Apology of the Augsburg Confession was written by Philip Melanchthon during and after the 1530 Diet of Augsburg as a response to the Pon…

A Treatise on the Power and Primacy of the Pope

Read by Jonathan Lange

Philipp Melanchthon

The Treatise on the Power and Primacy of the Pope (1537) (Latin, Tractatus de Potestate et Primatu Papae), The Tractate for short, is the se…

Solid Declaration of the Formula of Concord

Read by Jonathan Lange

Variousandmartin Chemnitz

Formula of Concord (1577) is an authoritative Lutheran statement of faith (called a confession, creed, or "symbol") that, in its t…

Epitome of the Formula of Concord

Read by Jonathan Lange

Jakob Andreae

Formula of Concord (1577) is an authoritative Lutheran statement of faith (called a confession, creed, or "symbol") that, in its t…

3 - Concerning the Sacrament of Baptism

In On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church

Read by Jonathan Lange

Martin Luther

Early in the course of the Reformation (1520) Martin Luther penned a trilogy of foundational documents addressing the German Nobility, the C…

01 Sermon I: Preached on his Birthday, or day of Ordination

In Sermons of Leo the Great

Read by Jonathan Lange

Leo the Great, Leo The Great and Pope Leo I

Leo the Great was unanimously elected Bishop of Rome on September 29, 440 AD. At the Council of Chalcedon, his famous "Tome" was a…

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