Ven Ayya Vayama

Ajahn Brahm 2006

2006 Friday Night Talks from Buddhist Society of western Australia by Ven Ajahn Brahmawamso, Ven Ayya Vayama, Ajahn Brahmali, and other Vene…


Dhamma talks at Buddhist Society of Western Australia

Ajahn Brahms Talks-2002

Friday Night Talks at Buddhist Society of western Australia, Perth, Australia during the year 2002 are here. During the first part of the ye…

Ajahn Brahmawamso-Talks 2001

The Talks given in 2001 by Ajhan Brahmawamso  and other members of Sangha from Dhammaloka Buddhist Monastery Western Australia. The tal…

Ajahn Brahmawamsos Talks 2003

Friday Night Dhamma Talks at the Buddhist Society of western Australia by Ven Ajahn Brahmawamso Maha Thero, Abbot of Dhammaloka Buddhist Mon…

Ajahn Brahmawamso's Talks 2005

Friday Night Talks from Buddhist Society of western Australia by Ven Ajahn Brahmawamso, Ven Ayya Vayama, Ajahn Brahmali, Ven Ajahn Nayanadha…

BSWA Talks 2004

Friday Night Dhamma Talks from Buddhist Society of Western Australia during 2004 by Ven Ajahn Brahmawamso Ven Ayya Vayama Ven Ajahn Visuddhi…