Jezebel's Daughter

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

(4.5 stars; 84 reviews)

A brilliant chemist and a shrewd businessman — die on the same day. The widow of the chemist, Mrs. Fontaine, is left with the poisons he was researching , while Mrs. Wagner is left with her husband's mental health institution reforms and his plans for hiring women along with men in his firm's offices. Mrs. Wagner believes in treating madmen gently, and requests for the funny little man Jack Straw to be released from the madhouse. At the same time, her nephew David Glenney is sent to the Frankfurt office, where he works with Mr Engelmann and Mr Keller. The Keller sun, Fritz, has fallen in love with Minna Fontaine, but the prospect of marriage is not being approved of by his father because Madame Fontaine is said to be in debt after her husband's death. (11 hr 25 min)


00 - Introduction 4:06 Read by Tim Ferreira
01 - Part 1, Chapter 1 5:05 Read by kalonkakon
02 - Part 1, Chapter 2 9:20 Read by BumbleVee
03 - Part 1, Chapter 3 10:27 Read by BumbleVee
04 - Part 1, Chapter 4 11:07 Read by Phil Griffiths
05 - Part 1, Chapter 5 16:31 Read by Phil Griffiths
06 - Part 1, Chapter 6 6:27 Read by Nadine Eckert-Boulet
07 - Part 1, Chapter 7 13:59 Read by Anna Simon
08 - Part 1, Chapter 8 13:15 Read by Anna Simon
09 - Part 1, Chapter 9 17:23 Read by Mary Herndon Bell
10 - Part 1, Chapter 10 22:38 Read by Mary Herndon Bell
11 - Part 1, Chapter 11 13:06 Read by BumbleVee
12 - Part 1, Chapter 12 11:29 Read by BumbleVee
13 - Part 1, Chapter 13 16:57 Read by Sandra Estenson
14 - Part 1, Chapter 14 13:50 Read by Sandra Estenson
15 - Part 1, Chapter 15 21:03 Read by Sandra Estenson
16 - Part 1, Chapter 16 23:48 Read by Sandra Estenson
17 - Part 1, Chapter 17 7:32 Read by Mary Herndon Bell
18 - Part 1, Chapter 18 18:05 Read by Mary Herndon Bell
19 - Part 1, Chapter 19 12:38 Read by Mary Herndon Bell
20 - Part 1, Chapter 20 13:58 Read by Mary Herndon Bell
21 - Part 1, Chapter 21 17:32 Read by Nadine Eckert-Boulet
22 - Part 1, Chapter 22 13:28 Read by Nadine Eckert-Boulet
23 - Part 1, Chapter 23 15:21 Read by Phil Griffiths
24 - Part 1, Chapter 24 16:38 Read by Phil Griffiths
25 - Part 1, Chapter 25 19:35 Read by Phil Griffiths
26 - Between the Parts 9:45 Read by Tim Ferreira
27 - Part 2, Chapter 1 11:10 Read by Sandra Estenson
28 - Part 2, Chapter 2 18:50 Read by Sandra Estenson
29 - Part 2, Chapter 3 11:47 Read by Sandra Estenson
30 - Part 2, Chapter 4 14:59 Read by Sandra Estenson
31 - Part 2, Chapter 5 12:35 Read by Sandra Estenson
32 - Part 2, Chapter 6 17:48 Read by Sandra Estenson
33 - Part 2, Chapter 7 17:52 Read by Sandra Estenson
34 - Part 2, Chapter 8 14:40 Read by Sandra Estenson
35 - Part 2, Chapter 9 19:15 Read by Sandra Estenson
36 - Part 2, Chapter 10 13:48 Read by Sandra Estenson
37 - Part 2, Chapter 11 17:43 Read by Sandra Estenson
38 - Part 2, Chapter 12 9:38 Read by Diana Majlinger
39 - Part 2, Chapter 13 9:53 Read by Diana Majlinger
40 - Part 2, Chapter 14 21:56 Read by Mary Herndon Bell
41 - Part 2, Chapter 15 8:12 Read by Mary Herndon Bell
42 - Part 2, Chapter 16 16:17 Read by Mary Herndon Bell
43 - Part 2, Chapter 17 12:38 Read by Mary Herndon Bell
44 - Part 2, Chapter 18 11:34 Read by Tadhg
45 - Part 2, Chapter 19 21:09 Read by Tadhg
46 - Postscript 29:11 Read by Tim Ferreira


Eh, could have been better

(3 stars)

First, I'll say that the readers did a nice job, I don't recall having any issues with the chapters. Being a Wilkie Collins fan like I am, this book kind of let me down. I have either listened to, or read most of his books. Usually a theme or character jumps out from his book and really grabs you and draws you into the story. This one just didn't do that. It was kind of predictable, I guess. The antagonist wasn't really hateable either, just annoying. And it kind of felt like the story dragged out. If I had listened to this book before other WC books I'd probably rate it higher, but in comparison, it just lacks the spirit of his other works.

A great story from beginning to end

(5 stars)

I’ve listened to about 10 of this author’s novels, and this is my favorite so far. The plot is engaging and the pacing is perfect, although at times I wanted to scream at some the characters, “Can’t you see what’s happening?!” The unexpected comic scenes that appeared near the end were a pleasant surprise. I initially avoided this book because the description was so crammed with information, I gave me the impression that it would be too complicated for me to follow. I’m glad that I finally gave it a chance! Very enjoyable.

7 out of 10

(4 stars)

like a previous reviewer I agree that this was not one of WC's best, but in no way a worst. I enjoyed the story but it did lack the layer upon layer of suspense and intrigue which is the norm for this author. The ending was soft. it almost seemed like Collins grew tired of the tale and just wanted to end it. The quirky charactor Jack Straw helped to add some of the interest that was missing in the rest of the story

Nice story!

(4 stars)

I really enjoyed this one too. The book is divided in 2, the first part being narrated by David Glenney, a young clerk, the second part is narrated in the third person. For some reason I highly enjoyed David's narration, while I found the second part more predictable and maybe too detailed. David makes a lot of conjectures, does not really know what to make of Madame Fontaine. This set me speculating a lot. But all in all an enjoyable book!

(4 stars)

Love the twists and turns of Wilkie Collins. Read very well by some but some have a mumbling diction sometimes with accents and rapid staccato rhythms which appertain to their native language thus rendering some chapters very difficult to follow. Perhaps these readers could slow down a bit to allow listeners to catch the meaning first time around. Despite this occasional problem the opportunity to listen to these novels is very much appreciated.

A Real page turner! Second time around!

(5 stars)

This is the second time I've listen to this book by Wilkie and it was even better the second time around. All the readers were fabulous and the story line was excellent. I really couldn't put the book down I had to keep listening to it. I highly recommend this book to everyone it is a MUST READ!

(4.5 stars)

Excellent offering by Collins. Some may debate in regard to the slower pace of certain chapters- still, Wilkie Collins has a preferred method and style that has proven to be a literary success.

(4.5 stars)

I enjoyed the character of Jack and his "mistress"'s way of relating to him. Several "nail-biting" episodes that kept my interest to the end.