Israel: A Prince with God
Gelesen von MaryAnn
Frederick Brotherton Meyer

An old-world story this! In its strange Eastern dress, it appears to be as remote from us as the garb of an Arab, or the barter of an Oriental Bazaar. And yet human life is much the same, whenever and wherever lived. Our critics complain of our poring over these timeworn pages of ancient biography, but, with all deference to them, we feel bound to say that we learn better how to live, we inhale more spiritual ozone, we see further into the reasons of God's dealings with men, when doing so, than when scanning the pages of yesterday's newspaper, or of a society journal. Thousands of miles cannot part us from our kin across the seas; and thousands of years cannot part us from our kin across the ages, or sever the readers of these words from the son of Isaac, who, nearly drowned in the seas of his own craft and cunning, at length emerged a new man, and a prince with God. (Adapted by MaryAnn from Chapter 1) (5 hr 5 min)
What a blessing!

Thank you, MaryAnn, for the wonderful reading. You don't know how much it has meant to enhance and enrich my understanding of Jacob/Israel, and spur on my walk with Christ. I very much appreciate you taking the time to present it so beautifully! FB Meyer is a treasure I've only recently discovered and I was super excited this was provided for us!