Search Results

Men Defending Women in Late Medieval France

In Modern Languages

Read by Helen Swift and Landon Newby


University of Oxford Podcasts

Defence of Women and Imagination in French Medieval Literature

In St Hilda's College Podcasts

Read by Helen Swift and Landon Newby


University of Oxford Podcasts

Water Lives: forging a science-policy interface

In School of Geography and the Environment Podcasts

Read by Paul Jepson and Helen Scales


University of Oxford Podcasts

Tales from the Zooniverse or, What to do with a million scientists

In Oxford Internet Institute

Read by Chris Lintott and Helen Margetts


University of Oxford Podcasts

The UN's role in Overcoming Development Challenges

In Global Economic Governance Programme

Read by Helen Clark and Ngaire Woods


University of Oxford Podcasts

Why should we study the humanities?

In Challenging the Canon

Read by Helen Small and Ilana Lassman


University of Oxford Podcasts

Body Arts: Scent, Pain and Exchange

In Pitt Rivers Museum

Read by Jeremy MacClancy and Helen Hales


University of Oxford Podcasts

International interviews

In Undergraduate Admissions (PodOxford)

Read by Richard Earl and Helen Charlesworth


University of Oxford Podcasts

"Anomalies" Part 2 - Turing Patterns

In Big Questions - with Oxford Sparks

Read by Christian Yates and Chris Lintott


University of Oxford Podcasts

Le petit poisson et le pêcheur

In Fables de La Fontaine, livre 05 (ver 3)

Read by Christian

Jean de la Fontaine

Voici le cinquième des douze livres des Fables de La Fontaine. Celles-ci datent du XVIIe siècle et sont lues par des lecteurs …

20 - Les Brigands

In Contes cruels

Read by Christian

Auguste de Villiers de l'Isle-Adam and Auguste Villiers De L'Isle-Adam

Les contes réunis par Villiers sont d'une grande diversité. Leur dénominateur commun est, selon l'auteur, la cruaut&eac…

L'arrestation d'Arsène Lupin

In Arsène Lupin, gentleman-cambrioleur

Read by Christian

Maurice Leblanc

Arsène Lupin, gentleman-cambrioleur est un recueil de nouvelles écrites par Maurice Leblanc et contant les aventures d'Ars&egr…

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