Search Results

FMR 45 What is crisis migration?

In Forced Migration Review

Read by Susan Martin, Sanjula Weerasinghe and Abbie Taylor


University of Oxford Podcasts

Fighting the World's Fight: Against Poverty

In Leaders for the world's future - The Rhodes Trust

Read by David Ferreira, Nick Kristof and Mark Suzman


University of Oxford Podcasts

Challenges when working in an overseas environment

In NDM International Activities

Read by Daniel Paris, Nick Day and Stuart Blacksell


University of Oxford Podcasts

Book as Object; Panel Discussion for Oxford English Graduate Conference 2013

In English Graduate Conference 2012

Read by Paul Nash, Nick Cross and Stephen Walter


University of Oxford Podcasts

Is sustainability too expensive? (2014 Hoffmann Lecture)

In Weidenfeld Debates

Read by Mathis Wackernagel, André Hoffmann and Nick Rawlins


University of Oxford Podcasts

Oxford at Said Seminar: Energy

In Entrepreneurship

Read by Nick Eyre, Steven Cowley and Henry Snaith


University of Oxford Podcasts

Biology, Chemistry and Biochemistry at Oxford: a guide for prospective undergrad…

In Undergraduate Admissions (PodOxford)

Read by Martin Speight, Mark Wormald and Nick Green


University of Oxford Podcasts

Healthcare 2030: Oxford and the Value of Human Health

In Alumni Weekend

Read by Chas Bountra, Jonathan Flint and Nick Rawlins


University of Oxford Podcasts

Who Killed Dag Hammarskjöld? The UN, the Cold War, and White Supremacy in Africa

In African Studies Centre

Read by Susan Williams


University of Oxford Podcasts

Showcase: Institute for the Future of the Mind

In Oxford Martin School: Interviews and Commentaries

Read by Susan Greenfield


University of Oxford Podcasts

What makes a substance strange? An introduction to ionic liquids

In Chemistry for the Future: Strange Substances and Structures

Read by Susan Perkin


University of Oxford Podcasts

6.5 Susan Denyer: How Can the University and Cultural Organisations Collaborate?

In Cultural Heritage Forum

Read by Susan Denyer


University of Oxford Podcasts

Redeveloping the Ashmolean Greece Galleries

In Illuminating the Museums conference 2014

Read by Susan Walker


University of Oxford Podcasts

Transport Is Social Policy: Focus on higher education in the UK context

In Transport Studies Unit Podcasts

Read by Susan Kenyon


University of Oxford Podcasts

Part 4 - My path to academic success - Susan Perkin

In Careers in Chemistry: Academia

Read by Susan Perkin


University of Oxford Podcasts

Regional engagement and effective protection: the Australian way

In Refugee Studies Centre

Read by Susan Kneebone


University of Oxford Podcasts

A behavioural perspective of translating evidence to policy and practice

In Centre for Evidence Based Medicine

Read by Susan Michie


University of Oxford Podcasts

Does the Mind have a Future?

In Oxford Internet Institute

Read by Susan Greenfield


University of Oxford Podcasts

A behavioural perspective of translating evidence to policy and practice

In Kellogg College

Read by Susan Michie


University of Oxford Podcasts

Creativity Lecture 5: The Neuroscience of Creativity

In Keble College

Read by Susan Greenfield


University of Oxford Podcasts

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