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The Rose Child

Read by Daryl Wor

Johanna Spyri

The story of a little girl in the village of Wildbach, who loved the roses, and how spreading both her roses and her love touched the hearts…

At The Sign of The Jack O'Lantern

Read by Daryl Wor

Myrtle Reed

This begins with an odd inheritance at the end of a honeymoon, both parties being inexperienced. Then someone comes to visit, then another, …

Uncle Wiggily's Adventures

Read by Daryl Wor

Howard R. Garis

Due to Uncle Wiggily's rheumatism being so very bad, Dr. Possum prescribes a journey to help him move around, have a change of air, and a go…


Read by Daryl Wor

Johanna Spyri

"Mäzli" may be pronounced the most natural and one of the most entertaining of Madame Spyri's creations. The atmosphere is cr…

When Patty Went to College

Read by Daryl Wor

Jean Webster

When Patty Went to College is Jean Webster's first novel, published in 1903. It is a humorous look at life in an all-girls college at the tu…


Read by Daryl Wor

Johanna Spyri

Published in 1886, this novel encompasses a small community wherein Veronica, having lost her own mother, is “adopted” by a neighbour, Gertr…

Old Rose And Silver

Read by Daryl Wor

Myrtle Reed

The novel follows the lives of Rose and her widowed Aunt, Madame Francesca Bernard, along with young visitor and cousin Isabel, whose lives …

The Girls of Friendly Terrace (or Peggy Raymond's Success)

Read by Daryl Wor

Harriet Lummis Smith

Peggy Raymond and her friends, Amy, Priscilla and Ruth, encounter a new neighbour, Elaine, and her family. While Peggy, in her usual cheerfu…

Coffee and Repartee

Read by Daryl Wor

John Kendrick Bangs

First released in 1893, Coffee And Repartee is a collection of breakfast chats at a gentlemen's boarding house run by a Mrs. Smithers. Here …

What Sami Sings With The Birds

Read by Daryl Wor

Johanna Spyri

Old Mary Ann has done her best to bring up her son on her own. Like other relatives, her son has a longing to travel off over the mountains.…

Peggy Raymond's Vacation (or Friendly Terrace Transplanted)

Read by Daryl Wor

Harriet Lummis Smith

Sequel to The Girls of Friendly Terrace (or Peggy Raymond's Success). As the summer opens the girls fan themselves on the porch, wishing for…

Peggy Raymond's Way (or Blossom Time At Friendly Terrace)

Read by Daryl Wor

Harriet Lummis Smith

In this fifth and (as far as is known) final volume of Peggy Raymond and her Friendly Terrace entourage, we find the Girls winding down from…

The Friendly Terrace Quartette (or Peggy Raymond At The Poplars)

Read by Daryl Wor

Harriet Lummis Smith

The Friendly Terrace Quartette (or Peggy Raymond At The Poplars) published in 1920, finds Peggy and her friends preparing for The Great War.…

Betty Wales, Freshman

Read by Daryl Wor

Margaret Warde

First published in 1904, Betty Wales Freshman is the first book in an 8 volume series that follows Betty and her classmates throughout colle…

In the Sweet Dry and Dry

Read by Daryl Wor

Christopher Morley

Written just before Prohibition to entail the possible troubles that might happen en route. Both sides of the argument, or battle as the cas…

Flower of the Dusk

Read by Daryl Wor

Myrtle Reed

Published in 1908, this is the story of two small families and the agreeable couple who help them. The heartfelt Norths, though clouded by d…

The Book of Clever Beasts

Read by Daryl Wor

Myrtle Reed

A humorous book, hitting off the many writers who have returned to nature and made intimate friends in the Animal World. The author describe…

The Master's Violin

Read by Daryl Wor

Myrtle Reed

Originally published in 1904, “The Master’s Violin” is the seventh novel by Myrtle Reed. It is set in a German town of Pennsylvania, East La…

Vassar Studies

Read by Daryl Wor

Julia Augusta Schwartz

Published in 1899, Vassar Studies is a collection of twelve realistic glimpses into the character of attending students at Vassar College. I…

My Friend Annabel Lee

Read by Daryl Wor

Mary MacLane and Mary Maclane

Published in 1903, this selection of dialogues by Mary MacLane entails a mystery of wondering who she is speaking with. Is it the statue she…

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