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The Wishing-Stone Stories (Version 2)

Read by Jude Somers

Thornton W. Burgess

Tommy is a young farm lad with a keen interest in all animals. On the edge of the Green Meadows, he finds an old grey rock. He discovers tha…

The Burgess Animal Book for Children (Version 2)

Read by Jude Somers

Thornton W. Burgess

From the armadillo and musk ox to the walrus and manatee, this book introduces you to the many mammals who live and play throughout North Am…

The Adventures of Prickly Porky (Version 2)

Read by Jude Somers

Thornton W. Burgess

There's a mystery that's scaring folks on the hill where Prickly Porky the Porcupine lives. What could this strange creature be without head…

The Brownies and Prince Florimel

Read by Jude Somers

Palmer Cox

After Prince Florimel flees his home (and a particularly nasty uncle) he has a series of adventures with the mischevious but helpful Brownie…

Another Brownie Book

Read by Jude Somers

Palmer Cox

Brownies, like fairies and goblins, are imaginary little sprites, who are supposed to delight in harmless pranks and helpful deeds. They wor…

The Origin Of Rubies

In Folk Tales Every Child Should Know

Read by Jude Somers

Hamilton Wright Mabie

We have always loved stories. people have always entertained each other by telling tales around the campfire; traveling storytellers were hu…

The Young Blue Jay Who Was Not Brave Enough To Be Afraid

In Among the Forest People

Read by Jude Somers

Clara Dillingham Pierson

Another delightful children's book by Clara Dillingham Pierson about various forest animals - what they do, and what they are like. Each one…

Chapters 1, 2 & 3

In Blacky the Crow

Read by Jude Somers

Thornton W. Burgess

Blacky the Crow is a clever rascal who lives in the Green Forest and Meadow. He loves to play tricks on the other little people who are his …

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