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Chapter 1 of The Icknield Way

In First Chapter Collection 012

Read by Peter Yearsley

Edward Thomas

The first chapter of a book is often the hook to draw a reader in. It could make you eager for more or realize it isn't for you. Here we off…


In Dissertation on Oriental Gardening

Read by Peter Yearsley

William Chambers

A little essay on the Chinese style of gardening, as opposed to the continental style, which the author finds too formal with too many strai…

The Case of the Officers of Excise by Thomas Paine

In Essays Collection, Vol. 01

Read by Peter Yearsley

Thomas Paine

Here are 20 essays by various authors, covering all kinds of subjects. Some are famous, others are gems ferreted out from chapters or passag…

The story the doctor told

In Short Ghost and Horror Collection 071

Read by Peter Yearsley

Harle Oren Cummins

A collection of twenty stories featuring ghoulies, ghosties, four-legged beasts and things that go bump in the night. Expect shivers up your…

Old Nick

In Flowers of Freethought (First Series)

Read by Peter Yearsley

George William Foote

A collection of 51 short essays by George William Foote, who in May 1881 founded the magazine "The Freethinker", which is still pu…

Underground London

In Short Nonfiction Collection, Vol. 076

Read by Peter Yearsley

John Hollingshead

Twenty short nonfiction works chosen by the readers. "Our constitution is color-blind... the law regards man as man and takes no accoun…

Emetic Mushroom to Fetid Wood Witch

In Mushrooms and Toadstools (Third Edition)

Read by Peter Yearsley

Worthington George Smith

This is a useful, but not comprehensive description of both edible and poisonous fungi found in Great Britain. Although the book is well ill…

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