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Jātaka Tales

Read by Scotty Smith

H. T. Francis

Jātaka tales are ancient Indian folktales that form a part of Buddhist teaching, telling stories of the Buddha’s past lives. Akin to Aesop’s…

XLI Poems

Read by Scotty Smith

E. E. Cummings

A book of 41 poems by E. E. Cummings classified as Songs I-XII [poems 1-12], Chansons Innocentes I-II [poems 13-14], Portraits I-IX [poems…

Musings of a Chinese Mystic: Selections from the Philosophy of Chuang Tzu

Read by Scotty Smith

Lionel Giles

If Lao Tzu then had revolted against the growing artificiality of life in his day, a return to nature must have seemed doubly imperative to …

Gunsight Pass: How Oil Came to the Cattle Country and Brought a New West

Read by Scotty Smith

William Macleod Raine

Dave Sanders, a young Arizona cowboy, is a classic western hero: honest, brave, intelligent and caring. This is a story of how he navigates …

The Cartels Jungle

Read by Scotty Smith

Irving E. Cox, Jr.

In most ideally conceived Utopias the world as it exists is depicted as a mushrooming horror of maladjustment, cruelty and crime. In this st…

The Whispering Eye, A Black Hood Novel

Read by Scotty Smith

G. T. Fleming-Roberts

Hunted by the police ... framed for robbery and murder by the Eye, master fiend and vicious ruler of the underworld ... loathed by Barbara S…

The Great Gatsby (Version 3)

Read by Scotty Smith

F. Scott Fitzgerald

A novel set in the roaring 20's follows Nick Carroway, a young, single veteran turned bond salesman as he is thrust into the high society of…

The Nursery ''Alice''

Read by Scotty Smith

Lewis Carroll

A shortened version of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland . . . adapted by the author himself for children "from nought to five". . …

Eureka: A Prose Poem

Read by Scotty Smith

Edgar Allan Poe

Eureka is Poe's attempt at explaining the universe, using his general proposition "Because Nothing was, therefore All Things are".…

Baled Hay: A Drier Book than Walt Whitman's ''Leaves o' Grass''

Read by Scotty Smith

Bill Nye

There can really be no excuse for this last book of trite and beautiful sayings. I do not attempt, in any way, to palliate this great wrong.…

Shorty McCabe

Read by Scotty Smith

Sewell Ford

Yes, it's been a couple of years since I quit the ring. . . . I slid into a quiet corner for a month or so, and then I dropped into the only…

The Incubator Baby

Read by Scotty Smith

Ellis Parker Butler

Marjorie Fielding is born premature and spends her first months of life in an incubator. Her mother is a modern, broad-minded woman eschewin…

The Kingdom of Happiness

Read by Scotty Smith

Jiddu Krishnamurti

The first publication of talks given by Jiddu Krishnamurti, a uniquely original thinker of the 20th century. Selected as a boy by leaders of…

Anthem (Version 6)

Read by Scotty Smith

Ayn Rand

A novelette set in the distant future, perhaps thousands of years. Technology has been lost and advancement suppressed. The people have eith…

Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie Years, Volume 1

Read by Scotty Smith

Carl Sandburg

A fascinating look at the early life of Abraham Lincoln through his term as Illinois congressman. Writer and poet Carl Sandburg, with an acc…

The Undetected

In Short Science Fiction Collection 080

Read by Scotty Smith

George O. Smith

Science fiction is a genre encompassing imaginative works that take place in this world or that of the author’s creation where anything is p…

Uncle Pete and the Bear. A Yankee story from real life and real incidents, by S…

In The Rover Vol. 01 No. 15

Read by Scotty Smith

Lawrence Labree and Seba Smith

"The Rover: A weekly magazine of tales, poetry and engravings, original and selected" was a magazine started in 1843 by Seba Smith…


In The Rover Vol. 01 No. 16

Read by Scotty Smith

Lawrence Labree and Seba Smith

"The Rover: A weekly magazine of tales, poetry and engravings, original and selected" was a magazine started in 1843 by Seba Smith…