02-23-2020 Last Sunday after the Epiphany, Family Service, St. Mark's Episcopal…

The recordings are from the 10 am monthly family service on 02-23-2020 at St. Mark's Chapel. The sermon was a presentation in word and song by the Sunday School students. The 2 were songs led by Ethan Hanzlik. The celebrant's mic died before the Gospel reading, so I've provided the text of that reading. 1st Reading:  Exodus 24:12-18 (Lucas Anderson) Psalm: Psalm 2 (Laura Day) 2nd Reading: 2 Peter 1:16-21 (Lucas Anderson) Gospel:  Matthew 17:1-9 (text) Sermon (Sunday Schoolers): Readings (Laura Day, Sophia Blayer, Ben Engler) “Be the Change” ”One Foot/Lead with Love” (Melanie DeMore)
