David Doiron
St. Mark's Episcopal Chapel, Storrs, CT - Sept. 9, 2018: 16th Sunday after Pent…
The recordings: Welcoming remarks and highlighting of announcements by Rev. Brian Blayer Gospel: Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-…
St. Mark's Episcopal Chapel, Storrs, CT - Aug. 19, 2018: 13th Sunday after Pent…
The recordings: Welcoming remarks and highlighting of announcements by Rev. Brian Blayer 2 Readings: Kings 2:10-12; 3:3…
St. Mark's Episcopal Chapel, Storrs, CT - Sept. 23, 2018: 18th Sunday after Pen…
The audio recordings: • Welcoming remarks and highlighting of announcements by Rev. Brian Blayer …
10-27-2019, Celebrating The Protestant Reformation, St. Mark's Chapel Audio
Recorded tracks: Greeting, Highlight Announcements (Rev. Sara Anderson) 1st Reading: Jeremiah 31:31-34 (Lucas Anderson) Ps…
03-08-2020 2nd Sunday in Lent, St. Mark's Episcopal Chapel, Storrs, CT
The recordings are from the 10 am service on 03-08-2020 at St. Mark's Chapel. During the sermon, Rev. Brian connects with Star Wars - “Use T…
02-09-2020 St. Valentine Liturgy and Celebration, St. Mark's Episcopal Chapel
The recordings are from the 10 am service on 02-09-2020 at St. Mark's Chapel. `This liturgy was a celebration of St. Valentine — whoever he …
09-05-2021 The 15th Sunday after Pentecost - 10 AM Eucharistic Service (Excerpt…
Audio recordings extracted from the tape of the 10 AM service: Welcome and Announcements: (Rev. Brian Blayer) Reading 1: Isaiah 35:4-…
08-22-2021 The 13th Sunday after Pentecost - 10 AM Morning Prayer Service (Exce…
Vestry Warden Madison Day officiated for Rev. Brian, who was on vacation. Recorded Extract: Sermon: (Madison Day) David Doiron conver…
08-29-2021 The 14th Sunday after Pentecost - 10 AM Eucharistic Service (Excerpt…
Rev. Brian Blayer officiated. Recorded Extract: Welcome and Announcements: (Rev. Brian Blayer) Reading 1: Deuteronomy 4:1-2,6-9 (Andr…
08-15-2021 Feast of Saint Mary the Virgin, Mother of Our Lord - 10 AM Lutheran …
Celebrant: Pr. Bruce Steinway Recorded Extracts: Welcome and Announcements: (Pr. Bruce Steinway) Reading 1: Isaiah 61:10-11 (Madison D…
11-21-21 The Last Sunday after Pentecost - 10 AM Lutheran Holy Communion Servic…
This was St. Mark's Episcopal Chapel's monthly Lutheran Holy Communion Service. The Officiant was Pastor Bruce Steinway. Recorded Sermon and…
11-28-21 The 1st Sunday of Advent - 10 AM Eucharistic Service at St. Mark's Epi…
10 AM Service (Rite II) - Celebrant: Rev. Brian Blayer Recordings: Greeting, Announcements: (Rev. Brian Blayer) Sermon: &…
12-05-21 The 2nd Sunday of Advent - 10 AM Eucharistic Service at St. Mark's Epi…
Description 10 AM Service (Rite II) Celebrant: Rev. Brian Blayer Recordings: Greeting, Announcements: (Rev. Brian Blayer…
12-19-21 The 4th Sunday of Advent - 10 AM Lutheran Holy Communion Service at St…
10 AM Lutheran Service Celebrant: Pr. Bruce Steinway Recordings: Greeting, Announcements: (Pr. Bruce Steinway) Sermon: (Pr. Br…
04-25-2021 Feast of Evangelist St. Mark 9 AM Morning Prayer Service at St. Mark…
Rev. Brian Blayer officiated at this Morning Prayer Service celebrating the Feast of St. Mark the Evangelist. Parishioner Dave Sykes was the…
2013-12-29 St. Mark's Episcopal Chapel, The 4th Day of Christmas
A guest sermon by Ann Perrott on this first Sunday after Christmas, reflecting on both Paul's letter and John's Gospel. How do we step outsi…
04-17-2022, Easter Sunday, Announcements and Sermon at 8 AM Eucharistic Service…
The sermon extracted from the Facebook Live recording of the 8 AM Eucharistic Service at St. Mark's Chapel on 04-17-2022, Easter Sunday. &nb…
05-01-2022, The 3rd Sunday of Easter, Announcements, Readings, and Sermon at 10…
The audio extracted from the tracks of the live recording of the 10 AM Eucharistic Service at St. Mark's Chapel on 05-01-2022, the 3rd Sunda…
05-22-2022, The 6th Sunday in Easter, audio recordings at 10 AM Holy Baptism Se…
The tracks extracted from the live audio recording of the 10 AM Holy Baptism Service at St. Mark's Chapel. Recorded tracks: Gr…
05-29-2022, The 7th Sunday in Easter, audio recordings at 10 AM Service, St. Ma…
The tracks extracted from the live audio recording of the 10 AM Worship Service at St. Mark's Chapel. Recorded tracks: Greetin…
05-08-2022, The 4th Sunday of Easter, Announcements, Readings, and Sermon at 10…
The audio extracted from the tracks of the live recording of the 10 AM Eucharistic Service at St. Mark's Chapel on 05-08-2022, the 4th Sunda…
05-15-2022, The 5th Sunday in Easter, Sermon at 10 AM Evangelical Lutheran Comm…
The tracks extracted from the live audio recording of the 10 AM Evangelical Lutheran Communion Service at St. Mark's Chapel. Recorded…
02-06-2022, The 5th Sunday of Epiphany, Sermon at 10 AM Eucharistic Service, St…
The audio recording extracted from the Facebook Live recording of the 10 AM Eucharistic Service service at St. Mark's Chapel on 02-06-2022, …
02-13-2022, The 6th Sunday of Epiphany, Sermon at 10 AM Eucharistic Service, St…
The audio recording extracted from the audio recording of the 10 AM Eucharistic Service service at St. Mark's Chapel on 02-13-2022, The 6th …
01-23-2022, The 3rd Sunday of Epiphany, 10 AM Eucharistic Service Sermon, St. M…
The recording from the 10 AM Eucharistic Service service at St. Mark's Chapel on 01-23-2022, The 3rd Sunday of Epiphany. Recorded track: &nb…
01-30-2022, The 4th Sunday of Epiphany, 10 AM Eucharistic Service Sermon, St. M…
The audio recording from the 10 AM Eucharistic Service service at St. Mark's Chapel on 01-30-2022, The 4th Sunday of Epiphany. It was extrac…
03-27-2022, The 4th Sunday in Lent, Announcements and Sermon at 10 AM Eucharist…
The announcements and sermon extracted from the Facebook Live recording of the 10 AM Eucharistic Service at St. Mark's Chapel on 03-27-2022,…
04-03-2022, The 5th Sunday in Lent, Announcements and Sermon at 10 AM Eucharist…
The sermon extracted from the live recording of the 10 AM Eucharistic Service at St. Mark's Chapel on 04-03-2022, the 5th Sunday in Lent. &n…
11-29-2020 1st Sunday of Advent, Greeting and Sermon at St. Mark's Episcopal Ch…
The audio was extracted from the iPhone recording of the Facebook Live video broadcast of Rev. Brian’s 9 AM morning prayer service on 11-29-…
03-13-2022, The 2nd Sunday in Lent, Announcements & Sermon at 10 AM Eucharistic…
The announcements and sermon extracted from the audio recording of the 10 AM Eucharistic Service at St. Mark's Chapel on 03-13-2022, The 2nd…
03-20-2022, The 3rd Sunday in Lent, Sermon at 10 AM Lutheran Communion Service,…
The sermon extracted from the audio recording of the 10 AM Lutheran Communion Service at St. Mark's Chapel on 03-20-2022, The 3rd Sunday in …
06-05-2022, The Day of Pentecost, audio recordings at 10 AM Service, St. Mark's…
Extracts from the live audio recording and the Facebook Live video of the 10 AM Worship Service at St. Mark's Chapel. Recorded tracks:  …
05-16-2021 7th Sunday of Easter - Drive-In Lutheran Morning Prayer Service at S…
Retired Lutheran Pastor and parishioner Bruce Steinway officiated at this first outdoor Drive-In Lutheran Morning Prayer Service for t…
08-20-2020 16th Sunday After Pentecost, Readings and Sermon at St. Mark's Episc…
The audio was extracted from the live sound recording of Rev. Brian’s 10 AM morning prayer service on 08-20-2020 in St. Mark's Chapel. …
05-30-2021 Trinity Sunday - 10 AM Holy Eucharist Service (Excerpts) at St. Mark…
Excerpts from the 10 AM service, held indoors due to inclement weather. The celebrant’s mic went dead during his sermon, so I used the sermo…
01-19-2020 The 2nd Sunday after the Epiphany at St. Mark's Episcopal Chapel
The recordings are from the 10 am service on 01-19-2020 at St. Mark's Chapel’s celebrating the Baptism of Jesus. The Rev. Brian referred to …
02-16-2020 6th Sunday after the Epiphany, St. Mark's Episcopal Chapel, Storrs, …
The recordings are from the 10 am service on 02-16-2020 at St. Mark's Chapel. Rev. Brian began the sermon with props as a joke: a pair of pl…
05-02-2021 5th Sunday of Easter S - 9 AM Outdoor Drive-In Morning Prayer Servic…
Rev. Brian Blayer officiated at this continuation of our outdoor Drive-In Morning Prayer Service for the 5th Sunday of Easter. Parishioner P…
01-04-2015: Epiphany of Our Lord - Rev. Hilary Greer
Rev. Hilary Greer's reading of the Gospel and her story, originally intended for the children. The holiday and road travel problems resulted…
04-18-2021 3rd Sunday of Easter 9 AM Lutheran Morning Prayer Service at St. Mar…
Rev. Bruce Steinway officiated at this Lutheran Morning Prayer Service. Parishioner Art Engler was the reader, and Warden Madison Day was th…
03-05-2023 The 2nd Sunday in Lent, St. Mark’s Episcopal Chapel
The audio sermon from the direct audio recording of the 10 AM Worship Service at St. Mark's Chapel , Storrs, CT. Celebrant was Rev. G…
03-28-2021 Palm Sunday 9 AM Prayer Service at St. Mark's Episcopal Chapel, Stor…
Rev. Brian Blayer officiated. Parishioner Harry Evageliou was the lector. Music was provided by UCONN student and St. Mark’s scholar Angela …
11-20-2022, The Feast of Christ the King, audio excerpts from 10 AM Eucharistic…
Audio from the 10 AM Worship Service at St. Mark's Chapel. The Service’s Celebrant was The Rev. Gary Sturni. Recorded tracks: …
01-02-2022, The Epiphany, 10 AM Eucharistic Service Sermon, St. Mark's Chapel
The recordings from the 10 AM Eucharistic Service service at St. Mark's Chapel on 01-02-2022, The Epiphany. Recorded track: Se…
12-18-2022, The 4th Sunday of Advent, audio excerpts from 10 AM Eucharistic Ser…
Audio from the 10 AM Worship Service at St. Mark's Chapel. The Service’s Celebrant was The Rev. Gary Sturni. Recorded tracks: Th…
01-09-2022, The Baptism of Our Lord, 8 AM Eucharistic Service Sermon, St. Mark'…
The recording from the 8 AM Eucharistic Service service at St. Mark's Chapel on 01-09-2022, The Baptism of Our Lord. The audio was extracted…
09-04-2022, 13th Sunday after Pentecost, audio excerpts of 10 AM Eucharistic Se…
Extracts from the live audio recording of the 10 AM Worship Service at St. Mark's Chapel. This service was celebrated by Rev. Gary Sturni. R…
09-11-2022, 14th Sunday after Pentecost, audio excerpts of 8 AM &10 AM Eucharis…
Extracts from the audio of the Facebook Live recordings of the 8 AM & 10 AM Worship Services at St. Mark's Chapel. The Services were cel…
01-16-2022, The 2nd Sunday after Epiphany, 10 AM Lutheran Communion Service Ser…
The recording from the 10 AM Lutheran Communion Service at St. Mark's Chapel on 01-16-2022, The 2nd Sunday after Epiphany. Recorded track: S…
08-21-2022, 11th Sunday after Pentecost, audio excerpts of 10 AM Eucharistic Se…
Extracts from the live audio recording of the 10 AM Worship Service at St. Mark's Chapel. This service was celebrated by Rev. Ben Brockman, …
10 02 22 Pent 17 1 Sermo10-02-2022, 17th Sunday after Pentecost, audio excerpts…
Extract from the audio of the Facebook Live recording of the 10 AM Worship Service at St. Mark's Chapel. The Service was celebrated by Rev. …
10-09-2022, 18th Sunday after Pentecost, audio excerpts from direct audio recor…
Extract from the audio of the direct audio recording recording of the 10 AM Worship Service at St. Mark's Chapel. The Service was celebrated…
09-18-2022, 15th Sunday after Pentecost, audio excerpts of 10 AM Eucharistic Se…
Extracts from the audio of the Facebook Live recordings of the 10 AM Worship Service at St. Mark's Chapel. The Service was celebrated by Rev…
09-25-2022, 16th Sunday after Pentecost, audio excerpts of 10 AM Eucharistic Se…
Extracts from the audio of the Facebook Live recordings of the 10 AM Worship Service at St. Mark's Chapel. The Service was celebrated by Rev…
10-30-2022, 21st Sunday after Pentecost, audio excerpts from 10 AM Eucharistic …
Recorded tracks: The Lesson: Isaiah 1:10-18 (Mark Healey) Epistle: II Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12 (David Doiron) Holy Gospel: L…
11-13-2022, The 23rd Sunday after Pentecost, audio excerpts from 10 AM Eucharis…
Audio from the 10 AM Worship Service at St. Mark's Chapel. The Service’s Celebrant was Bishop Laura Ahrens. Recorded tracks: T…
10-16-2022, 19th Sunday after Pentecost, audio excerpts from direct audio recor…
Extract from the audio of the direct audio recording recording of the 10 AM Worship Service at St. Mark's Chapel. The Service was celebrated…
10-23-2022, 20th Sunday after Pentecost, audio excerpts from direct audio recor…
Extract from the audio of the direct audio recording recording of the 10 AM Worship Service at St. Mark's Chapel. The Service was celebrated…
11-06-2022, All Saints Sunday, audio excerpts from 10 AM Eucharistic Service, S…
Audio from the 10 AM Worship Service at St. Mark's Chapel. The Service was celebrated by Rev. Gary Sturni. Recorded tracks: Th…
06-26-2022, 3rd Sunday after Pentecost, audio excerpts of 10 AM & 8 AM Services…
Extracts from the live audio recording of the 10 AM Worship Service and from Facebook Live video of 8 AM Service at St. Mark's Chapel. Both …
07-24-2022, 7th Sunday after Pentecost, audio excerpts of 10 AM Service, St. Ma…
Extracts from the live audio recording of the 10 AM Worship Service at St. Mark's Chapel. This service was celebrated by Rev. Bruce Steinway…
06-12-2022, Trinity Sunday, audio excerpts of 10 AM Service, St. Mark's Chapel
Extracts from the live audio recording and the Facebook Live video of the 10 AM Worship Service at St. Mark's Chapel. This service was Rev. …
St. Mark's Chapel at UCONN July 15, 2018: 8th Sunday after Pentecost
The recordings: Welcoming remarks and highlighting of announcements by Rev. Brian Blayer (No recording of readings - mic not on) Read…
St. Mark's Chapel at UCONN July 22, 2018: 9th Sunday after Pentecost Readings, …
The recordings: Welcoming remarks and highlighting of announcements by Rev. Brian Blayer 2 Readings & Psalm: Jeremiah 23:1…
St. Mark's Chapel at UCONN July 29, 2018: 10th Sunday after Pentecost Announcem…
The recordings: Welcoming remarks and highlighting of announcements by Rev. Brian Blayer\ Gospel: John 6:1-21 ( Rev. Brian Bla…
10-18-2015 St. Mark’s Episcopal Chapel - Rev. Hilary Greer Sermon
How often do we miss the moment that we’re in and the people that we are with because of our drive to be something else or to be somewhere e…
St. Mark's Episcopal Chapel, Storrs, CT - Oct. 7, 2018: 20th Sunday after Pente…
The audio recordings: • Welcoming remarks and highlighting of announcements (Rev. Brian Blayer) • 1st Reading: Genesis 2:18-24 (Mark H…
St. Mark's Episcopal Chapel, Storrs, CT - Aug. 26, 2018: 14th Sunday after Pent…
The recordings: Welcoming remarks and highlighting of announcements by Rev. Brian Blayer 2 Readings: Joshua 24:1-2a, 14-18, Ephesians…
St. Mark's Episcopal Chapel, Storrs, CT - Sept. 2, 2018: 15th Sunday after Pent…
The recordings: Welcoming remarks and highlighting of announcements by Rev. Brian Blayer Microphone not on. (Links to text of …
St. Mark's Episcopal Chapel at UConn, Storrs, CT: The 25th Sunday after Penteco…
The audio recordings from the 8 am Service • Welcoming remarks and highlighting of announcements (Rev. …
St. Mark's Episcopal Chapel at UConn, Storrs, CT: Nov. 18, 2018, The 26th Sunda…
The audio recordings from the 10 am Service Welcoming remarks and highlighting of announcements (Rev. Brian Blayer) 1st Reading: Dani…
11–4-2018 - St. Mark's Episcopal Chapel, Storrs, CT - All Saints Sunday
The audio recorded this Sunday at the 8 am Service Welcoming remarks and highlighting of announcements (Rev. Brian Blayer) 1st R…
St. Mark's Episcopal Chapel at UConn, Storrs, CT: Dec. 9, 2018, 2nd Sunday of A…
• Announcements, greeting (Rev. Brian Blayer) • 1st Reading: Malachi 3:1-4 (Louis Hanzlik) • 2nd Reading: Philippians 1:3-11 (Lo…
St. Mark's Episcopal Chapel at UConn, Storrs, CT: Dec. 16, 2018, 3rd Sunday of …
Recorded tracks: • Announcements, greeting (Rev. Brian Blayer) • 1st Reading: Zephaniah 3:14-20 (Anne Flamming) • 2nd Reading: P…
St. Mark's Episcopal Chapel at UConn, Storrs, CT: Dec. 2, 2018, 1st Sunday of A…
PC memory problems resulted in only the sermon being recorded. • Sermon (Rev. Brian Blayer) Scripture for the service 1st …
St. Mark's Episcopal Chapel at UConn: 12/30/2018, The 1st Sunday after Christma…
Parishioner and retired Lutheran priest Bruce Steinway celebrated the service for Rev. Brian Blayer, who is on vacation. Recorded tracks: An…
Oct. 22, 2017: Readings, Sermon - The 20th Sunday after Pentecost (Rev. Brian B…
This batch of recordings is comprised of: Brian’s commentary and announcements The 2 Readings: Isaiah 45:1-7 and 1Thessalonians 1:1-10 (Bruc…
St. Mark's Episcopal Chapel at UConn: 2019-01-06, The Epiphany of Our Lord
In addition to the readings and Gospel, Rev. Brian also touched on the psalm in his sermon. Recorded tracks: Announcements, greeting (Rev. B…
St. Mark's Chapel Mar. 4, 2018: The 3rd Sunday in Lent Announcements, Readings,…
The recordings: Announcements (Rev. Brian Blayer) 1st reading: Exodus 20:1-17 (Tom Recchio) 2nd reading: 1 Corinthians 1:18-25…
St. Mark's Episcopal Chapel Family Service: 01-27-2019, The 3rd Sunday after th…
Today's service was our monthly family service, with the Sunday school children filling the roles of ushers, lectors, acolytes and intercess…
St. Mark's Chapel, Storrs, CT - Aug. 5, 2018: 11th Sunday after Pentecost, Cele…
The recordings: Welcoming remarks and highlighting of announcements by Rev. Sara J. Anderson 2 Readings & Psalm: Ex…
St. Mark's Episcopal Chapel at UConn: 2019-01-13, The 1st Sunday after the Epip…
Recorded tracks: Announcements, greeting (Rev. Brian Blayer) 1st Reading: Isaiah 43:1-7 (Amanda Hanzlik) 2nd Reading: A…
St. Mark's Chapel Feb. 25, 2018: Family Service - The 2nd Sunday in Lent (Rev. …
The tracks: Announcements and greeting 1st reading: Genesis 17:1-7. 15-16 Psalm 22:22-30 2nd reading: Romans 4:13-25 Gospel Re…
St. Mark's Episcopal Chapel, Storrs, CT - Sept. 30, 2018: Family Service - 19th…
The audio recordings: Welcoming remarks and highlighting of announcements (Rev. Brian Blayer) 1st Reading: Numbers 11:4-6,10-16,24-29…
St. Mark's Episcopal Chapel Service: 02-03-2019, The 4th Sunday after the Epiph…
Sermon highlights: Discernment. (Camp Washington weekend of discernment for college students. We are the Body of Christ. Our g…
01-08-2023 The Feast of the Epiphany, audio excerpts from 10 AM Eucharistic Ser…
The audio sermon, announcements and sung Communion meditation from the Facebook Live video of the 10 AM Worship Service at St. Mark's Chapel…
St. Mark's Episcopal Chapel at UConn, Storrs, CT: Nov. 25, 2018, Christ The Kin…
The audio recordings from the 10 am Family Service. Both readers were Sunday School students, as were the ushers, acolytes and gifts bearers…
01-15-2023 The 2nd Sunday after the Epiphany, sermon from 8 AM Eucharistic Serv…
The audio sermon from the Facebook Live video of the 8 AM Worship Service at St. Mark's Chapel. Recorded tracks: Sermon - (The…
St. Mark's Episcopal Chapel, Storrs, CT - Oct. 14, 2018: 21st Sunday after Pent…
The audio recordings: Welcoming remarks and highlighting of announcements (Rev. Brian Blayer) 1st Reading: Amos 5:6-7,10-15 (Bruce St…
St. Mark's Episcopal Chapel Service: 02-10-2019, The 5th Sunday after the Epiph…
Clergy and lay parish delegates at the Episcopal Church in Connecticut (ECCT)’s 2018 Annual Convention voted to enter a season of Racial Hea…
St. Mark's Episcopal Chapel Service: 03-03-2019, The Last Sunday after the Epip…
Rev. Brian’s sermon references both the Exodus and Corinthians readings as well as the Gospel. Recorded tracks: Announcements (Rev. Br…
St. Mark's Episcopal Chapel Service: 03-17-2019, The 2nd Sunday in Lent
In addition to the Gospel, his sermon touched on St. Patrick (today being his feast day) and both readings. Recorded tracks: 1. Announcement…
St. Mark's Episcopal Chapel Service: 03-10-2019, The 1st Sunday in Lent
The Rev. Bruce Steinway is a parishioner and retired Lutheran priest. He filled in for our pastor, Rev. Brian, who was away. Because Rev. Br…
St. Mark's Episcopal Chapel Service: 03-24-2019, The 3rd Sunday in Lent
Recorded tracks: 1. Announcements (Rev. Brian Blayer) 2. 1st Reading: Exodus 3:1-5 (Mark Healey) 3. 2nd Reading: 1 Corinth…
St. Mark's Episcopal Chapel Family Service 03-31-2019, The 4th Sunday in Lent
Readers are Sunday School pupils. Recorded tracks: 1. Announcements (Rev. Brian Blayer) 2. 1st Reading: Joshua 5:9-12 (Lucas And…
St. Mark's Episcopal Chapel Service: 04-07-2019, The 5th Sunday in Lent
Recorded tracks: 1. Announcements (Rev. Brian Blayer) 2. 1st Reading: Isaiah 43:16-21 (Mark Healey) 3. 2nd Reading: Philip…
09-19-2021 17th Sunday after Pentecost - 10 AM Lutheran Holy Communion Service …
This Service was our monthly Lutheran Sunday Service. Celebrant: Pastor Bruce Steinway Recorded Extracts: Welcome and Announcements: (Pr. Br…
09-26-2021 18th Sunday after Pentecost - 10 AM Eucharistic Service Sermon at St…
Celebrant: Rev. Brian Blayer Recorded Sermon and PDF file of the readings for the service.: Reading 1: Esther 7:1-6,9-10; 9:20-22 Rea…
10-10-21 The 20th Sunday after Pentecost - 10 AM Eucharistic Service Sermon at …
Celebrant: Rev. Brian Blayer Recorded Sermon and PDF file of the readings for the 10 AM service.: Reading 1: Amos 5:6-7, 10-15 Reading…
St. Mark's Chapel: 05-05-2019, Feast Of St. Mark Sermon and Readings
Recorded tracks: 1. Announcements (Rev. Brian Blayer) 2. 1st Reading: Isaiah 52:7-10 (Mark Healey) 3. 2nd Reading: Ephesia…
10-17-21 The 21st Sunday after Pentecost - Sermon from The 10 AM Lutheran Holy …
This was St. Mark's Episcopal Chapel's monthly Lutheran Holy Communion Service. The Officiant was Pastor Bruce Steinway. Recorded Sermon and…
St. Mark's Episcopal Chapel: 04-21-2019, Easter Sunday Sermon and Readings
Recorded tracks: 1. Announcements (Rev. Brian Blayer) 2. 1st Reading: Isaiah 65:17-25 (Anne Flamming) 3. 2nd Reading: Acts…
St. Mark's Chapel: 04-07-2019, 2nd Sunday of Easter Sermon and Readings
Today’s service was our monthly family service for which the Sunday School pupils exercise many of the ministerial roles. Recorded tracks:&n…
10-03-21 The 19th Sunday after Pentecost - 10 AM Eucharistic Service Sermon at …
Celebrant: Rev. Brian Blayer Recorded Sermon and PDF file of the readings for the service.: Reading 1: Genesis 2:18-24 Reading …
11-14-21 The 25th Sunday after Pentecost - 10 AM Eucharistic Service Sermon at …
Celebrant: Rev. Brian Blayer Recorded Greeting and Sermon and PDF file of the readings for the 10 AM service.: Greeting, Announcements: &nbs…
St. Mark's Chapel: 05–26-2019, 6th Sunday of Easter Family Service Sermon and R…
This was our monthly family service at which nearly every laity ministry was performed by the Sunday School students. One of the visitors in…
08-01-2021 10th Sunday after Pentecost - 10 AM Eucharistic Service (Excerpts) a…
Celebrant: Rev. Brian Blayer Recorded Extracts: Welcome and Announcements: (Rev. Brian Blayer) Reading 1: Exodus 16:2-4,9-15 (Harry Ev…
St. Mark's Chapel: 05–12-2019, 4th Sunday of Easter Sermon and Readings
Today was Mothers Day, and Rev. Brian managed to blend this holiday with the Gospel message of Jesus as the shepherd. Recorded tracks: …
St. Mark's Chapel: 05–12-2019, 5th Sunday of Easter Sermon and Readings
An interesting thing happened during the sermon. Rev. Brian asked for a show of hands of those in the congregation who came from other faith…
10-31-21 The 23rd Sunday after Pentecost - 10 AM Eucharistic Service Sermon at …
Celebrant: Rev. Brian Blayer Recorded Sermon and PDF file of the readings for the 10 AM service.: Reading 1: Deuteronomy 6:1-9 Readin…
St. Mark's Chapel: 06-16-2019, Trinity Sunday Family Service Sermon, Readings &…
This was our monthly family service at which nearly every laity ministry was performed by the Sunday School students. Recorded tracks:…
St. Mark's Chapel: 06-23-2019, 2nd Sunday after Pentecost Sermon, Readings & Gr…
Recorded tracks: 1) Announcements (Rev. Brian Blayer) 2) 1st Reading: Isaiah 65:1-9 (Bruce Steinway) 3) 2nd Reading: Roman…
05-23-2021 Feast of Pentecost - Holy Eucharist Service at St. Mark's Episcopal …
This is the first service held under a tent on St. Mark’s front lawn. It’s also the first Eucharistic service since the COVID-19 pandemic sh…
St. Mark's Chapel: 06-02-2019, Ascension Day Sermon and Readings
The audio cuts for St. Mark's Chapel's 10 am Ascension Day Eucharistic service on 06-02-19. Recorded tracks: Announcements (Re…
St. Mark's Chapel: 06-09-2019, Pentecost Sermon
The audio cuts for St. Mark's Chapel's 10 am Pentecost Eucharistic service on 06-09-19. The first lesson was done from the congregation with…
08-08-2021 11th Sunday after Pentecost - 10 AM Eucharistic Service (Excerpts) a…
Celebrant: Rev. Brian Blayer Recorded Extracts: Welcome and Announcements: (Rev. Brian Blayer) Reading 1: 1 Kings 19:4-8 (Peter Kosci…
St. Mark's Chapel: 07-21-2019, 6th Sunday after Pentecost Greeting, Sermon & Re…
Recorded tracks: 1) Announcements (Rev. Brian Blayer) 2) 1st Reading: Genesis 18:1-10a (Laurie Gypsun) 3) 2nd Reading: Col…
06-27-2021 5th Sunday after Pentecost - 10 AM Eucharistic Service (Excerpts) at…
Excerpts from the soundtrack for the 10 AM Eucharistic Service. Celebrant: Rev. Brian Blayer Recorded Extracts: Welcome and Announcements: (…
St. Mark's Chapel: 07-07-2019, 4th Sunday after Pentecost Sermon, Readings & Gr…
Recorded tracks: 1) Announcements (Rev. Brian Blayer) 2) 1st Reading: Isaiah 66:10-14 (Harry Evageliou) 3) 2nd Reading: Ga…
St. Mark's Chapel: 07-14-2019, 5th Sunday after Pentecost Sermon, Readings & Gr…
Recorded tracks: 1) Announcements (Rev. Brian Blayer) 2) 1st Reading: Deuteronomy 30:9-14 (Will Hooper) 3) 2nd Reading: Co…
St. Mark's Chapel: 08-11-2019, 9th Sunday after Pentecost, the Opening Greeting…
My apologies for the change in the quality of the sound in the latter part of the sermon. The priest’s microphone had died, so I had to play…
07-11-2021 7th Sunday after Pentecost - 10 AM Eucharistic Service (Excerpts) at…
Unfortunately, again there was no one at the 10 AM service to operate the iPhone to broadcast the service via Facebook Live. This had no eff…
St. Mark's Chapel: 07-28-2019, 7th Sunday after Pentecost 2nd Reading, Gospel, …
Recorded tracks: 1) Announcements (Rev. Brian Blayer) 2) 2nd Reading: Colossians 2:6-15, (16-19) (Laurie Gypsun) 3) Gospel…
St. Mark's Chapel: 08-05-2019, 8th Sunday after Pentecost
Recorded tracks: 1) Greeting, Review Announcements (Rev. Brian Blayer) 2) 1st Reading: Isaiah 26:1-8 (Laurie Gypsun) 3) 2n…
07-04-2021 6th Sunday after Pentecost - 10 AM Eucharistic Service (Excerpts) at…
Rev. Brian’s opening remarks, Gospel and sermon are from the soundtrack for the 10 AM Eucharistic Service. The 10 AM readings were unavailab…
09-08-2019, 13th Sunday after Pentecost, Audio Recordings
Recorded tracks: Greeting, Review Announcements (Rev. Brian Blayer) 1st Reading: Deuteronomy 30:15-20 (Laurie Gypson) 2…
09-15-2019, 14th Sunday after Pentecost, St. Mark's Chapel Audio Recordings
Recorded tracks: Greeting, Review Announcements (Rev. Brian Blayer) 1st Reading: Exodus 32:7-14 (Mark Healey) 2nd Reading:…
St. Mark's Chapel: 08-25-2019, 11th Sunday after Pentecost, Audio Recordings
The theme of today’s service is “peace.” Recorded tracks: Greeting, Review Announcements (Rev. Brian Blayer) 1st Reading: Mica…
2021 07 18 Pent 8 Luth 5 Sermon07-18-2021 8th Sunday after Pentecost - 10 AM Lu…
This Service was our monthly Lutheran Sunday Service. Unfortunately, again there was no one at the 10 AM service to operate the iPhone to br…
St. Mark's Chapel: 09-01-2019, 12th Sunday after Pentecost, Audio Recordings
Recorded tracks: Greeting, Review Announcements (Rev. Brian Blayer) 1st Reading: Sirach 10:12-18 (Harry Evageliou) 2nd …
05-23-2021 Facebook Live video of the Pentecost Outdoor Under the Tent Holy Euc…
This is a copy of the Facebook Live video of St. Mark’s 9 AM Holy Eucharist Service for the Feast of Pentecost. Rev. Brian Blayer officiated…
St. Mark's Episcopal Chapel Service: 02-17-2019, The 6th Sunday after the Epiph…
The Rev. Sara Anderson, who is a parishioner and a Lutheran priest, celebrated the service and delivered the sermon. It was also the first t…
09-22-2019, 15th Sunday after Pentecost, St. Mark's Chapel Audio Recordings
Recorded tracks: Greeting, Review Announcements (Rev. Brian Blayer) 1st Reading: Amos 8:4-7 (Will Hooper) 2nd Reading:&nbs…
06-06-2021 Pentecost2 - 10 AM Holy Eucharist Service (Excerpts) at St. Mark's E…
Excerpts from the soundtrack for the 10 AM service. Lector: Harry Evageliou Videographer: Madison Day Sound System/Audio Recording & Edi…
09-29-2019, Feast of Michael & All Angels (Children Sunday), St. Mark's Chapel …
Recorded tracks: Greeting, Review Announcements (Rev. Brian Blayer) 1st Reading: Genesis 28:10-17 (Lucas Anderson) Psal…
06-20-2021 4th Sunday after Pentecost - 10 AM Lutheran Holy Communion Service (…
Excerpts from the soundtrack for the 10 AM service. Celebrant: Pr. Bruce Steinway Facebook Live Videographer: Madison Day Sound Syste…
Page Title: 11-03-2019, All Saints’ Day, St. Mark's Chapel Audio
The recordings from the 10 am service at St. Mark's Chapel on 11-03-2019, All Saints’ Day. WE are saints for eternity, which has no beginnin…
10-20-2019, Celebrating The Book of Common Prayer, St. Mark's Chapel Audio Reco…
Recorded tracks: Greeting, Highlight Announcements (Rev. Brian Blayer) 1st Reading: Jeremiah 31:27-34 (L. Gypson) 2nd R…
11-24-2019, Christ the King, St. Mark's Chapel Audio
The recordings from the 10 am service at St. Mark's Chapel on 11-24-2019, Christ the King. The sermon is a link to Rev. Brian’s printed serm…
11-10-2019, The 22nd Sunday after Pentecost, St. Mark's Chapel Audio
The recordings from the 10 am service at St. Mark's Chapel on 11-10-2019, The 22nd Sunday after Pentecost. Recorded tracks: Greeting, …
11-17-2019, The 23rd Sunday after Pentecost, St. Mark's Chapel Audio
The recordings from the 10 am service at St. Mark's Chapel on 11-17-2019, The 23rd Sunday after Pentecost. Includes the choir singing the Co…
12-01-2019, The 1st Sunday of Advent, St. Mark's Chapel Audio
The recordings from the 10 am service at St. Mark's Chapel on 12-01-2019, The 1st Sunday of Advent. The sermon concluded with the priest lea…
12-15-2019, The 3rd Sunday of Advent, St. Mark's Chapel Audio
The recordings from the 10 am service at St. Mark's Chapel on 12-15-2019, The 3rd Sunday of Advent. Recorded tracks: Greeting,…
12-24-2019, Christmas Eve, 5 PM Family Service, St. Mark's Chapel Audio
The recordings from the 5 PM Family Service service at St. Mark's Chapel on 12-24-2019, Christmas Eve. The Sunday School students were lecto…
05-31-2020 Pentecost Sunday, Readings and Sermon at St. Mark's Episcopal Chapel…
The audio extracted from the video of Rev. Brian’s 9 AM morning prayer service on 05-31-2020 at St. Mark's Chapel. The service was held on t…
06-07-2020 Trinity Sunday, Readings and Sermon at St. Mark's Episcopal Chapel, …
The audio was extracted from the Facebook Live video of Rev. Brian’s 9 AM morning prayer service on 06-07-2020 at St. Mark's Chapel. The ser…
07-05-2020 5th Sunday After Pentecost, Readings and Sermon at St. Mark's Episco…
The audio was extracted from the Facebook Live video of Rev. Brian’s 9 AM morning prayer service on 07-05-2020 at St. Mark's Chapel. The ser…
07-19-2020 7th Sunday After Pentecost, Readings and Sermon at St. Mark's Episco…
The audio was extracted from the Facebook Live video of Rev. Brian’s 9 AM morning prayer service on 07-19-2020 at St. Mark's Chapel. The ser…
06-14-2020 2nd Sunday After Pentecost, Readings and Sermon at St. Mark's Episco…
The audio was extracted from the Facebook Live video of Rev. Brian’s 9 AM morning prayer service on 06-14-2020 at St. Mark's Chapel. The ser…
06-21-2020 3rd Sunday After Pentecost, Readings and Sermon at St. Mark's Episco…
The audio was extracted from the Facebook Live video of Rev. Brian’s 9 AM morning prayer service on 06-21-2020 at St. Mark's Chapel. The ser…
08-09-2020 10th Sunday After Pentecost, Readings and Sermon at St. Mark's Episc…
The audio was extracted from the Facebook Live video of Rev. Brian’s 9 AM morning prayer service on 08-09-2020 at St. Mark's Chapel. Under a…
08-16-2020 11th Sunday After Pentecost, Readings and Sermon at St. Mark's Episc…
The audio extracted from the Facebook Live video of Rev. Brian’s 9 AM morning prayer service. Under a cloudy - BUT not raining - sky, the Dr…
07-26-2020 8th Sunday After Pentecost, Readings and Sermon at St. Mark's Episco…
The audio was extracted from the Facebook Live video of Rev. Brian’s 9 AM morning prayer service on 07-26-2020 at St. Mark's Chapel. Hornets…
08-02-2020 9th Sunday After Pentecost, Readings and Sermon at St. Mark's Episco…
The audio was extracted from the Facebook Live video of Rev. Brian’s 9 AM morning prayer service on 08-02-2020 at St. Mark's Chapel. The wea…
09-13-2020 The 15th Sunday After Pentecost, Music, Readings and Sermon at St. M…
Extracts from the recorded audio of St. Mark’s 10 AM Rite II morning prayer service in the chapel with a partial congregation. To reduce the…
09-27-2020 17th Sunday After Pentecost, Readings and Sermon at St. Mark's Episc…
The audio was extracted from the audio portion of the Facebook Live broadcast of Rev. Brian’s 10 AM morning prayer service on 09-27-2020 in …
08-30-2020 13th Sunday After Pentecost, Prelude, Readings and Sermon at St. Mar…
The audio extracted from what should be the last Facebook Live video of Rev. Brian’s 9 AM morning prayer service. The weather was great, exc…
09-06-2020 14th Sunday After Pentecost, Music, Readings and Sermon at St. Mark'…
Extracts from the live recorded audio tracks of St. Mark's’s first inside10 AM Rite II morning prayer service from the chapel with a partial…
10-11-2020 19th Sunday After Pentecost, Readings and Sermon at St. Mark's Episc…
The audio was extracted from the Facebook Live video broadcast of Rev. Brian’s 9 AM morning prayer service on 10-11-2020 in St. Mark's Chape…
10-04-2020 18th Sunday After Pentecost, Readings and Sermon at St. Mark's Episc…
The audio was extracted from the audio portion of the Facebook Live broadcast of Rev. Brian’s 9 AM morning prayer service on 10-04-2020 in S…
10-25-2020 21st Sunday After Pentecost, Readings and Sermon at St. Mark's Episc…
The audio was extracted from the Facebook Live video broadcast of Rev. Brian’s 9 AM morning prayer service on 10-25-2020 in St. Mark's Chape…
11-01-2020 All Saint's Day, Readings and Sermon at St. Mark's Episcopal Chapel,…
The audio was extracted from the Facebook Live video broadcast of Rev. Brian’s 9 AM morning prayer service on 11-01-2020 in St. Mark's Chape…
10-18-2020 20th Sunday After Pentecost, Readings and Sermon at St. Mark's Episc…
The audio was extracted from the Facebook Live video broadcast of Rev. Brian’s 9 AM morning prayer service on 10-18-2020 in St. Mark's Chape…
11-22-2020 Christ the King, Readings and Sermon at St. Mark's Episcopal Chapel,…
The audio was extracted from the iPhone recording of the Facebook Live video broadcast of Rev. Brian’s 9 AM morning prayer service on 11-22-…
12-06-2020 2nd Sunday of Advent AM Prayer Service Greeting, Lessons, Music and …
The audio was extracted from the iPhone recording of the Facebook Live video broadcast of Rev. Brian’s 9 AM morning prayer service on 12-06-…
11-08-2020 23rd Sunday after Pentecost, Music and Sermon at St. Mark's Episcopa…
The audio was extracted from the iPhone recording of the Facebook Live video broadcast of Rev. Brian’s 9 AM morning prayer service on 11-08-…
11-15-2020 24th Sunday after Pentecost, Music and Sermon at St. Mark's Episcopa…
The audio was extracted from the iPhone recording of the Facebook Live video broadcast of Rev. Brian’s 9 AM morning prayer service on 11-15-…
12-20-2020 4th Sunday of Advent AM Prayer Service at St. Mark's Episcopal Chape…
The audio was extracted from the iPhone recording of the Facebook Live video broadcast of Rev. Brian’s 9 AM morning prayer service on 12-20-…
12-13-2020 3rd Sunday of Advent AM Prayer Service at St. Mark's Episcopal Chape…
The audio was extracted from the iPhone recording of the Facebook Live video broadcast of Rev. Brian’s 9 AM morning prayer service on 12-13-…
11-29-2020 1st Sunday of Advent, Greeting and Sermon at St. Mark's Episcopal Ch…
The audio was extracted from the iPhone recording of the Facebook Live video broadcast of Rev. Brian’s 9 AM morning prayer service on 11-29-…
02-05-2023 The 5th Sunday after the Epiphany, sermon and Communion meditation f…
The audio sermon and Communion Meditation from the direct audio recording of the 10 AM Worship Service at St. Mark's Chapel. R…
12-25-2020 Christmas Day 9 AM Prayer Service at St. Mark's Episcopal Chapel, St…
The audio was extracted from the iPhone recording of the Facebook Live video broadcast of Rev. Brian’s 9 AM morning prayer service on 12-25-…
02-26-2023 The 1st Sunday in Lent, St. Mark’s Episcopal Chapel.
The audio sermon from the direct audio recording of the 10 AM Worship Service at St. Mark's Chapel , Storrs, CT. Celebrant was Rev. B…
02-12-2023 The 6th Sunday after the Epiphany, sermon and Communion meditation.
The audio sermon and Communion Meditation from the direct audio recording of the 10 AM Worship Service at St. Mark's Chapel , Storrs,…
02-19-2023 The Last Sunday after the Epiphany, sermon
The audio sermon from the direct audio recording of the 10 AM Worship Service at St. Mark's Chapel , Storrs, CT. Celebrant was Rev. P…
01-22-2023 The 3rd Sunday after the Epiphany, sermon and Communion meditation f…
The audio sermon from the Facebook Live video of the 10 AM Worship Service at St. Mark's Chapel. The Communion Meditation from the direct au…
01-05-2020 Epiphany at St. Mark's Episcopal Chapel
The recordings from the 10 am service at St. Mark's Chapel’s Epiphany on 01-05-2020. The Rev. Brian referred to all 3 readings during his se…
02-02-2020 The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, St. Mark's Episcopal Chapel
The recordings are from the 10 am service on 02-02-2020 at St. Mark's Chapel. Fr. Jim Kellaway was filling in for Rev. Brian, who was with a…
01-12-2020 Baptism Jesus at St. Mark's Episcopal Chapel
The recordings are from the 10 am service on 01-12-2020 at St. Mark's Chapel’s celebrating the Baptism of Jesus. The Rev. Brian referred to …
03-01-2020 1st Sunday in Lent, St. Mark's Episcopal Chapel, Storrs, CT
The recordings are from the 10 am service on 03-01-2020 at St. Mark's Chapel. During the sermon, Rev. Brian talks about St. Augustine “the H…
02-23-2020 Last Sunday after the Epiphany, Family Service, St. Mark's Episcopal…
The recordings are from the 10 am monthly family service on 02-23-2020 at St. Mark's Chapel. The sermon was a presentation in word and song …
03-29-2020 5th Sunday in Lent Morning Prayer Service, St. Mark's Episcopal Chap…
This audio was extracted from a remote video morning prayer via Facebook Live on 03-29-2020 at St. Mark's Chapel. The church is empty due to…
01-03-2021 The 2nd Sunday After Christmas 9 AM Prayer Service at St. Mark's Epi…
The audio was extracted from the iPhone recording of the Facebook Live video broadcast of Rev. Brian’s 9 AM morning prayer service on 01-03-…
01-10-2021 Epiphany Sunday 9 AM Prayer Service at St. Mark's Episcopal Chapel, …
The audio was produced from the chapel’s recording system of Rev. Brian’s 9 AM morning prayer service on 01-10-2021 in St. Mark's Chapel on …
01-24-2021 Morning Prayer Service the 3rd Sunday after the Epiphany, Facebook L…
The audio was produced from the chapel’s recording system of Bruce’s 9 AM morning prayer service on 01-24-2021 in St. Mark's Chapel on the U…
2021-01-17 Lutheran Morning Prayer Service the 2nd Sunday after the Epiphany, F…
This was the first of monthly Lutheran Morning Prayer Services at St. Mark’s, with the Rev. Bruce Steinway, a retired Lutheran priest and St…
02-07-2021 Morning Prayer Service the 5th Sunday after the Epiphany, St. Mark's…
Due to an incoming snowstorm, I played it safe and didn’t go to the church to run the recording system. I extracted the audio from the Faceb…
01-31-2021 Morning Prayer Service the 4th Sunday after the Epiphany, St. Mark's…
Description The audio was produced from the chapel’s recording system of the 9 AM morning prayer service on 01-31-2021 in St. Mark's Chapel …
02-21-2021 Lutheran Morning Prayer Service Readings, Homily, Music - The 1st Su…
Description Retired Lutheran Pastor and parishioner Bruce Steinway officiated. The The audio was processed from the church’s sound system an…
02-14-2021 Morning Prayer Service Readings, Homily, Music - The Feast of St. Va…
Due to a forecast of freezing rain, I played it safe and didn’t go to the church to run the recording system. I extracted the audio from the…
02-28-2021 Morning Prayer Service Readings, Homily, Music - The 2nd Sunday of L…
Rev. Brian Blayer officiated. Parishioner Peter Kosciusko was the lector. Music was provided by UCONN student and St. Mark’s scholar Angela …
03-07-2021 Morning Prayer Service Readings, Homily, Music - The 3rd Sunday of L…
1. Prelude: When on the Cross the Savior Stood (BWV 621 (J.S. Bach) 2.&n…
03-14-2021 The 4th Sunday of Lent 9 AM Prayer Service at St. Mark's Episcopal C…
Rev. Brian Blayer officiated. Parishioner Sue Gagnon) was the lector. Music was provided by UCONN student and St. Mark’s scholar Angela Garc…
03-21-2021 The 5th Sunday of Lent 9 AM Prayer Service at St. Mark's Episcopal C…
Pastor Bruce Steinway officiated. Parishioner Dave Sykes was the lector. Music was provided by UCONN student and St. Mark’s scholar Angela G…
05-09-2021 6th Sunday of Easter - Drive-In Morning Prayer Service at St. Mark's…
Rev. Brian Blayer officiated at this continuation of our outdoor Drive-In Morning Prayer Service for the 6th Sunday of Easter. Parishioner D…
04-04-2021 Easter Sunday Morning Prayer Service Welcoming, Readings, Homily, St…
Rev. Brian Blayer officiated. This service marked the return to the Drive-In Church Service. Parishioner David Doiron extracted the a…