01-03-2021 The 2nd Sunday After Christmas 9 AM Prayer Service at St. Mark's Epi…

The audio was extracted from the iPhone recording of the Facebook Live video broadcast of Rev. Brian’s 9 AM morning prayer service on 01-03-2021 in St. Mark's Chapel on the UCONN Storrs Campus. Because of restrictions on gatherings due to the COVID-19 pandemic resurgence  the church has no congregation present. Included is the accompanying service booklet and hymns sheet. Music was provided by Angela Garcia-Clark (singer) and Charles Houmard piano, organ). ●  Greeting, Announcements (Rev. Brian Blayer) ●  Opening Hymn: The First Nowell vs. 1, 3, 5, 6 (Anonymous) ●  Lesson 1: Ephesians 1:3-6,15-19a (Madison Day ●  Lesson 2: Matthew 2:13-15,19-23 (Madison Day ●  Homily (Rev. Brian Blayer) ●  Post-Homily Hymn: Lully, Lullay (Anonymous 16th century) ●  Hymn before Prayer of St. Chrysostom: He Shall Feed His Flock from Handel's “Messiah” ●  Final Hymn: The Work of Christmas (Lyrics by Howard Thurman, Music by Dan Forrest) ●  Postlude: Come Christian Folk (J.S. Bach) Print Files ●  Service Booklet ●  Hymn Sheet
