02-28-2021 Morning Prayer Service Readings, Homily, Music - The 2nd Sunday of L…

Rev. Brian Blayer officiated. Parishioner Peter Kosciusko was the lector. Music was provided by UCONN student and St. Mark’s scholar Angela Garcia-Clark (singer) and Charles Houmard (organ and piano). Parishioner David Doiron recorded the service's audio with the church’s sound system and recording equipment and edited the recorded tracks. Recordings: Prelude: Christ Thou Lamb of God (BWV 619   (J.S. Bach) Greeting, Announcements (Rev. Brian Blayer) First Hymn: When the Poor One Who Has Nothing (Lyrics - Joachim Neander, Tune - "Michael" Herbert Howells) Lesson 1: Genesis 17:1-7,15-16 (Peter Kosciusko) Lesson 2: Mark 8:31-38 (Peter Kosciusko) Homily (Rev. Brian Blayer) Hymn after Homily: When the Poor One Who Has Nothing (Words: J. A. Olivar and Miguel Manzano, Music: El Camino, J. A. Olivar and Miguel Manano) Hymn before the General Thanksgiving: Jesus Calls Us; O’er the Tumult (Words: Cecil Frances Alexander, Music: Restoration, melody from The Southern Harmony) Final Hymn: Lord, You Give The Great Commission, v. 1, 4, 5 (Words: Jeffery Rowthorn,Music: Abbot’s Leigh, Cyril Vincent Taylor) Postlude: These are the Holy Ten Commands BWV 635 (j.,S. Bach)
