05-29-2022, The 7th Sunday in Easter, audio recordings at 10 AM Service, St. Ma…

The tracks extracted from the live audio recording of the 10 AM Worship Service at St. Mark's Chapel.   Recorded tracks:   Greeting: (Rev. Brian Blayer) Reading 1:   Acts 16:16-34 (Laurie Gypson) Reading 2:   Revelation 22:12-14, 16-17, 20-21 (Laurie Gypson) Holy Gospel:   John 17:20-26 (Rev Brian Blayer) Sermon (Rev. Brian Blayer) Volunteers for the Worship Service: Eucharistic Minister: Laurie Gypson Altar Guild : John Doiron Lector: Laurie Gypson   Usher: (none) Videographer for Facebook Live Stream: Madison Day Sound System/Audio Recording, Editing & Mastering: David Doiron. Music provided by St. Mark’s Choir, Charles Houmard, Music Director/ Organist.   Choir members present: Mary Ancona Emmy Dell’Orfano (UConn Student Scholar) Joan Doiron Art Engler Kathy Pepin
