03-28-2021 Palm Sunday 9 AM Prayer Service at St. Mark's Episcopal Chapel, Stor…
David Doiron
Rev. Brian Blayer officiated. Parishioner Harry Evageliou was the lector. Music was provided by UCONN student and St. Mark’s scholar Angela Garcia-Clark (soloist) and Charles Houmard (organ). The participants for the reading of the Passion were Harry and Sudie Evageliou, Brian Blayer, Madison Day and Lauren Boulay. UConn student Lauren Boulay was the videographer of the Facebook Live feed. Parishioner David Doiron recorded the service's audio with the church’s sound system and recording equipment and edited the recorded tracks. Recordings: Prelude: Christ Lay In Death's Dark Prison, BWV 625 (J.S. Bach) Reading appointed for day: Mark 11:1-11 (Rev. Brian Blayer) First Hymn: Thou Art the King of Israel (vs. 1,3,5) (Words: Theodulph of Orleans, Music: Valet will ich dir geben, melody Melchior Teschner ) 2nd Hymn: My Song Is Love Unknown (vs. 1-2) (Author: Samuel Crossman, Tune: LOVE UNKNOWN, John Ireland) Lesson 1: Isaiah 50:4-9a (Harry Evageliou) Reading of the Passion (Harry Evageliou, Sudie Evageliou, Brian Blayer, Madison Day, Lauren Boulay) Homily (Rev. Brian Blayer) Hymn after Homily: My Song Is Love Unknown (vs. 3-5) (Author: Samuel Crossman, Tune: LOVE UNKNOWN, John Ireland) Hymn Before The General Thanksgiving: My Song Is Love Unknown (vs. 6-7) (Author: Samuel Crossman, Tune: LOVE UNKNOWN, John Ireland) Final Hymn: Abide with Me (Author: Henry Francis Lyte, Tune: EVENTIDE (William H. Monk)) Postlude: Jesus Christ, Our Saviour True. BWV 626 (j.,S. Bach)
Reading appointed for day: Mark 11:1-11 | 1:28 |
Lesson 1: Isaiah 50:4-9a | 1:14 |
Reading of the Passion | 17:16 |
Homily | 9:48 |