In which an English country gentlemen records his and his friends' conversational observations on misery and happiness, leaning ultimately o…
ธรรมบรรยาย โดย พ.ญ.(ดร.)อมรา มลิลา ท่านเป็นลูกศิษย์ พระอาจารย์สิงห์ทอง ธัมมวโร แบ่งเป็นไฟล์รวม 3 zipจาก 3 CD อัพโหลดแปลงไฟล์ โจโฉ คร้าบบบ ได…
128kb---mp3-----quran------by--naser--alqatami-------full--30--part المصحف المرتل ناصر القطامى مقسم اجزاء بجودة 128 ك ب المصحف المرتل كامل م…
The teachings explore the nature of the self, of I. The “I” cannot sit. Only the body can “sit.” The “I” identifies with the body so we say …
Ancient teachings pointed to a single transformative experience of the ego. Could one’s life be going back and forth between the infinite an…
This is the 3rd session (3 of 16) in a series about Praying Through The Tabernacle. The first 8 audios cover the detailed teaching abo…
666--anasheed---mp3----without---music---nashid---anashid----anashed-onshodah الموسوعة الصوتية اناشيد 666 انشودة و نشيد اسلامي الاناشيد الاس…
Timothy Wright From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Timothy Wright (June 17, 1947 – April 24, 2009), [1] generally credite…
There are many possible reactions to any given situation. Solomon wrote that there's a time for every matter under heaven. How do we know wh…
Calvary Bible Church is a body of believers located in Ketchikan, Alaska. Calvary Bible Church is a Bible believing and teaching church whic…