По ту сторону лета
Эжени Марс далеко за пятьдесят. Однажды, когда ей уступают место в автобусе, она понимает, что жизнь клонится к закату, …
LibriVox volunteers bring you 13 recordings of Thrice Toss Those Oaken Ashes in the Air by Thomas Campion. This was the Weekly Poetry projec…
Rupert Brooke was both fair to see and winning in his ways. There was at the first contact both bloom and charm; and most of all there was l…
This novel is subtitled A Temperance Story, which identifies explicitly the focus of the work. Frances Harper is a Christian moralist and us…
With classical, lyrical tones, and frequently feminist-influenced themes, Sara Teasdale’s Love Songs established her as one of the leading w…