
The Golden Days of Good Queen Bess

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Sir John Carr

LibriVox volunteers bring you 8 recordings of Parody on "The Golden Days of good Queen Bess" by Sir John Carr. This was the Fortni…

Merry Autumn

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Paul Laurence Dunbar

LibriVox volunteers bring you 14 recordings of Merry Autumn by Paul Laurence Dunbar. This was the Fortnightly Poetry project for October 10t…

O Hollow Hollow Hollow

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

W. S. Gilbert

LibriVox volunteers bring you 17 recordings of O Hollow Hollow Hollow by W.S. Gilbert. This was the Weekly Poetry project for January 8, 201…

The Judgment of Eve

Read by Kirsten Wever

May Sinclair

May Sinclair was a prolific author, literary critic, and feminist activist, famous in Britain and the US in the 1910’s and 20’s. The Judgmen…

The History of Troilus and Cressida (version 2)

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

William Shakespeare

The History of Troilus and Cressida has long baffled critics and audiences alike for its inconsistent tone, which ranges from bawdy comedy t…

Cynthia's Revels, or The Fountain of Self-Love

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Ben Jonson

"Cynthia's Revels," the second "comical satire," was acted in 1600, and, as a play, is even more lengthy, elaborate, and…

Bill Nye's Sparks

Read by DaleBarkley

Bill Nye

Humorist Bill Nye, in his brief 46 years, served as justice of the peace, newspaperman, miner, and postmaster in the rough town of Laramie, …

El perro del hortelano

Read by Epachuko

Félix Lope De Vega

El perro del hortelano es una comedia de Lope de Vega publicada en 1618. Es uno de los clásicos más conocidos del Siglo de Oro…

The Constant Couple

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

George Farquhar

George Farquhar, the author of this comedy, was the son of a clergyman in the north of Ireland. He was born in the year 1678, discovered an …

The Inconstant

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

George Farquhar

Subtitled "The Way to Win Him:, this play is placed in Paris - a change from many others of Farquhar's plays which used English setting…

The Bores

Read by LibriVox Volunteers


Moliere: "Never was any Dramatic performance so hurried as this; and it is a thing, I believe, quite new, to have a comedy planned, fin…

Monsieur De Pourceaugnac

Read by LibriVox Volunteers


'Monsieur de Pourceaugnac', acted on October 6, 1669, is nothing but a farce. But Molière excels in farce as well as in higher comedy…

The Litigants

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Jean Racine

This play, which is neither a comedy or a farce but has elements in common with each, was first performed in 1668 at Paris, and afterwards a…

Der Freimaurer

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

August Von Kotzebue and August von Kotzebue

Ein Stück über die Neugierde um die geheimen Riten der Freimaurer und den Versuch diese, durch unterschiedliche Möglichkeiten…

Lucia in London

Read by Beeswaxcandle

E. F. Benson

In the third book in the Mapp and Lucia series, provincial snob and social climber Mrs. Emmeline Lucas, known to her friends as Lucia, and h…

Don Quixote in England

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Henry Fielding

"The Audience, I believe, are all acquainted with the Character of Don Quixote and Sancho. I have brought them over into England, and i…

Bob and Ray WOR 072 June 20, 1973


Wednesday, the last day of spring.  Bob & Ray discuss newsman Henry Gladstone’s musical ability.

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