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The Complete Poetical Works of Edgar Allan Poe

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Edgar Allan Poe

In placing before the public this collection of Edgar Poe's poetical works, it is requisite to point out in what respects it differs from, a…

The White Wolf and Other Fireside Tales

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Sir Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch

This lively collection of stories by Q, aka the imaginative and prolific man of letters Arthur Quiller-Couch, includes tales of mystery, hor…

The Burning Wheel

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Aldous Huxley

Though Aldous Huxley is best known for his later novels and essays, he started his writing career as a poet. The Burning Wheel is his first …

The Man Without A Country And Other Tales

Read by David Wales

Edward Everett Hale

Edward Everett Hale was an American author, historian and Unitarian clergyman. Hale first came to notice as a writer in 1859, when he contri…

Tales of the Uneasy

Read by Lisa Reichert

Violet Hunt

Nine twisty-turny tales of tragic human drama, played out in Victorian parlors, death beds and lonely country roads. This collection of Viol…

Novelas y Cuentos (Version 2)

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Edgar Allan Poe

Compilación de algunos de los más famosos y celebrados cuentos del gran Edgar Allan Poe. Referencia obligada para los amantes …

Una comida en casa de Rossini

Read by Carlos Lombardi

Alexandre Dumas

Dumas concurre a una cena en casa de Rossini el célebre compositor y gran chef italiano. En esa cena se encuentra con otros destacado…

A Selection of Poems by Sir Walter Raleigh

Read by Algy Pug

Sir Walter Raleigh

Sir Walter Raleigh (c. 1552 – 29 October 1618) was an English aristocrat, writer, poet, soldier, courtier, spy, and explorer. He is also wel…

The Poems of Oscar Wilde

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Oscar Wilde

Complied by Thomas B. Mosher and released in 1906, this collection contains nearly every poem published by Oscar Wilde during his lifetime. …

Uncanny Stories

Read by Rhiannon Damon

May Sinclair

May Sinclair’s Uncanny Stories is a collection of short stories filled with macabre, romantic, and Gothic themes. Enjoy tales of love and lo…

Widdershins (Version 2)

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Oliver Onions

Onions wrote several collections of ghost stories, of which the best known is Widdershins (1911). It includes the novella The Beckoning Fair…

Baron Olson och andra historier

Read by Lars Rolander (1942-2016)

Sigge Strömberg

Sigge Strömberg, född som Sigfrid Strömberg 22 december 1885 i Göteborg, död 3 mars 1920, svensk författare oc…

4 Stories by Louisa May Alcott

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Louisa May Alcott

Here are four delightful short stories written by the famous author specifically for girls. As she says in the tiny preface "These stor…

Men, Women and Guns

Read by LibriVox Volunteers


World War I stories, as told through the eyes of someone who was there, but leavened with humour and an eye for the ridiculous side of human…

Contos do Norte

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

João Marques de Carvalho and João Marques De Carvalho

Contos do Norte é uma coleção de contos ambientados na região norte do Brasil. Seu autor, Marques de Carvalho, d…

Selections from Battle-Pieces and Aspects of the War

Read by Clark University

Herman Melville

Published in 1866, Battle-Pieces and Aspects of the War is a collection of poems about the Civil War by Herman Melville. Many of the poems a…

Cuentos de navidad y reyes

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Emilia Pardo Bazán

Colección de cuentos acerca de la Navidad y fiesta de Reyes de la gran Emilia Pardo Bazán, grabados por voluntarios de Librivo…

Le Rime

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Dante Alighieri

Le Rime sono una raccolta messa insieme e ordinata da moderni editori, che riunisce il complesso della produzione lirica dantesca dalle prov…


Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Emily Dickinson

LibriVox readers bring you 16 versions of Hope, by Emily Dickinson. This was the weekly poetry selection for the week of November 18, 2013.

Die grüne Nachtigall und andere Novellen

Read by Friedrich

Mikhail Kuzmin

Die Sammlung dieser Novellen soll den Dichter Kusmin - der eigentlich Komponist war - dem Zuhörer bekannt machen.Kusmins Helden sind (f…

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