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Greetings from Longfellow

Read by Bruce Kachuk

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

This is a wonderful selection of six of the greatest works from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, unquestionably one of the world's most celebrate…

Poems of Progress and New Thought Pastels

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Ella Wheeler Wilcox

This book contains 2 poetry bundles by Ella Wheeler Wilcox, containing many better- or lesser-known poems. The poems are recorded by a singl…


Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Lady Jane Francesca Wilde

Jane Wilde, the mother of Oscar Wilde, was an Irish poet who wrote under the pen name Speranza. She was politically active as an Irish natio…

Last Poems

Read by Foon

A. E. Housman

"I publish these poems, few though they are, because it is not likely that I shall ever be impelled to write much more. I can no longer…

The Sunken Garden and Other Poems

Read by Bruce Kachuk

Walter De la Mare and Walter De La Mare

This fantastic adventure into the realms of the imagination is a superb example of the incomparable skill of poet Walter de la Mare. In this…

Cecil's Own Book

Read by Phil Benson

Ann Hawkshaw

Ann Hawkshaw's fourth and final collection was published privately and named for her young grandson, Cecil Wedgwood. Written for children, t…

Sagas of Vaster Britain

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

William Wilfred Campbell

A collection of poems by the Canadian poet William Wilfred Campbell addressing themes of National Identity, Imperialism and the Divinity of …

War's Embers

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Ivor Gurney

A collection of poems by the Gloucestershire-born English poet Ivor Gurney describing his feelings about the First World War, during which h…

Al Que Quiere! (and 18 more poems)

Read by KevinS

William Carlos Williams

A book of William Carlos Williams's early poetry. Included in this recording are 18 poems published by Williams in Volume 13 of 'Poetry' lit…


Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Eugene Field

Eugene Field, Sr. was an American writer, best known for his children's poetry and humorous essays.

Lancashire Dialogues

Read by Phil Benson

John Byrom

A scion of the Byroms of Byrom Hall in Lowton, Lancashire, John Byrom was born and lived in Manchester and Salford for much of his life. Edu…

Un peu de ma vie

Read by Christiane Jehanne

Henry Gréville

Ouvrage varié de souvenirs et de poèmes de cette écrivaine érudite, très connue à son époqu…

House of the Trees and Other Poems

Read by Roger Melin

Ethelwyn Wetherald

Agnes Ethelwyn Wetherald was a Canadian poet and journalist, published across Canada and the United States. She also worked as an editor fo…

Forty-Two Poems

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

James Elroy Flecker

This is a collection of poems by James Elroy Flecker. - Summary by Carolin

Song of Hiawatha / Песнь о Гайавате

Read by Mark Chulsky

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Иван Бунин опубликовал перевод «Песни о Гайавате» (The Song of Hiawatha) в 1896 г. Его перевод до сих пор считается непревзойдён…

Ensimmäiset novellit

Read by Harri Tapani Ylilammi

Juhani Aho

Tunnetun suomalaisen kirjailijan Juhani Ahon uransa alkupäässä kirjoittamia novelleja ja runoja, jotka on julkaistu yksiss&au…


Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Carl Sandburg

LibriVox volunteers bring you 14 recordings of Wilderness by Carl Sandburg.This was the Fortnightly Poetry project for July 11, 2021. ----…

Songs of the Outlands: Ballads of the Hoboes and Other Verse

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Henry Herbert Knibbs

A poetry collection. The poem "Out There Somewhere" was extensively quoted in and was the basis for Edgar Rice Burroughs' story &q…

Cuentos de ciencia ficcion: Imaginando pasados y futuros

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Nilo María Fabra

Recopilación de los mejores cuentos de ciencia ficcion de Nilo Maria Fabra, politico y escritor precursor de género en Espa&nt…

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