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A Gift - Read by ATR

In A Gift

Read by Ashton Ruby

Amy Lowell

Amy Lawrence Lowell was an American poet of the imagist school from Brookline, Massachusetts, who posthumously won the Pulitzer Prize for Po…

Chapter 41 Why do we Eat Food

In The Reason Why

Read by Ashton Ruby

Robert Kemp Philp

This collection of useful information on "Common Things" is put in the interesting form of "Why and Because," and compre…

A Welcome Friend

In The Mysteries of London Vol. II

Read by Ruby

George W. M. Reynolds

The Mysteries of London was a best-selling novel in mid-Victorian England, published in four volumes. This is the second volume. Initially s…

Chapter IX

In A Chicago Princess

Read by Ruby

Robert Barr

After working several years in foreign affairs, and after winning and then losing a fortune, Rupert Tremorne is stranded in Nagasaki, at the…

73 - Een blad van den hemel.

In Andersens Sproken en vertellingen

Read by Ruby

H.C. Andersen, naverteld door S.J. Andriessen and Hans Christian Andersen

Sprookjes van Hans Christiaan Andersen, naverteld door Simon Jacob Andriessen. Deze verzameling bevat een aantal overbekende sprookjes, zoal…


In The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man (version 2)

Read by Ashton Woods

James Weldon Johnson

The story of a biracial man living in the deep south after the reconstruction era. He is young and talented. Yet, in order for him to avoid …

Beyond 2011 - Keynote: Tales of Big Society

In RunCoCo - Beyond Collections: Crowdsourcing for public engagement

Read by Robert Ashton


University of Oxford Podcasts

Version 1

In A Song of a Young Lady to Her Ancient Lover

Read by Amber Ruby

John Wilmot

LibriVox volunteers bring you 8 recordings of A Song of a Young Lady to Her Ancient Lover by John Wilmot. This was the Weekly Poetry project…

A spin around the brain

In Oxford Sparks: adventures in science

Read by Ruby Wax


University of Oxford Podcasts

The web of water security: Legal challenges in an interconnected world

In Water Security, Risk and Society Conference

Read by Bjørn-Oliver Magsig and Ruby Moynihan


University of Oxford Podcasts