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Missing: Page Thirteen

Read by Bev J Stevens

Anna Katharine Green

Violet Strange, a clever petite detective, is called upon to solve the mystery of a page gone missing from an important document. The future…

Caleb Williams or Things As They Are

Read by Bev J Stevens

William Godwin

The novel describes the downfall of Ferdinando Falkland, a British squire, and his attempts to ruin and destroy the life of Caleb Williams, …

The Mystery of a Turkish Bath

Read by Bev J Stevens


A group of guests, at an exclusive luxury hotel in Hampshire, are the witnesses of an illustration of occult powers, demonstrated by “the My…

Revolted Woman

Read by Bev J Stevens

Charles George Harper

One man's opinion of woman in 1894. Charles Harper believes in the superiority of the male sex and the subordination of the female. He pai…

A Treatise on Staff Making and Pivoting

Read by Bev J Stevens

Eugene Edward Hall

This instruction manual contains complete directions for making and fitting new staffs for watches from raw material. The author refers to s…

Mala, I and II

In Here and Hereafter

Read by Bev J Stevens

Barry Pain

This is a collection of stories by Barry Pain. While not all of these fall squarely into the genre of ghost and horror story, for which the …

A Study in Murder

In A Book of Bargains

Read by Bev J Stevens

Vincent O'Sullivan

This is a volume of short horror stories by American-born short story writer, poet and critic Vincent O'Sullivan. Sometimes considered the l…


In Strength and How to Obtain It

Read by Bev J Stevens

Eugen Sandow

In writing this book I have taken it as a commonplace that everyone—man, woman, and child—wants to be strong. Without strength—and by streng…

Book the second- chapter VII

In Armadale

Read by Bev J Stevens

Wilkie Collins

The novel has a convoluted plot about two distant cousins both named Allan Armadale. The father of one had murdered the father of the other …

Ch 9: Down an Unknown River into the Equatorial Forest pt 2

In Through the Brazilian Wilderness

Read by Bev J Stevens

Theodore Roosevelt

Roosevelt's popular book Through the Brazilian Wilderness describes his expedition into the Brazilian jungle in 1913 as a member of the Roos…