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The Science of Being Great

Read by Diana Majlinger

Wallace D. Wattles

The Science of Being Great is the second book of Wattles' trilogy. In this volume he argues that the power of thought and positive self-este…

The Science of Getting Rich

Read by Diana Majlinger

Wallace D. Wattles

Would you like to be rich? Yes? Well, who wouldn't.The Science of Getting Rich is a book written by the New Thought Movement writer Wallace …

The Frozen Deep

Read by Diana Majlinger

Wilkie Collins

The Frozen Deep is a story of a love triangle between Clara, Frank and Richard, spiced up with dangerous expeditions, mysterious visions and…

The Italian Cook Book

Read by Diana Majlinger

Maria Gentile

One of the beneficial results of the Great War has been the teaching of thrift to the American housewife. For patriotic reasons and for reas…

Egri csillagok

Read by Diana Majlinger

Géza Gárdonyi

Az Egri csillagok mára már igazi klasszikussá vált Magyarországon. A történet a 16. szá…

A Sweet Little Maid

Read by Diana Majlinger

Amy Ella Blanchard

Dimple, the nine-year-old little girl is accustomed to being always the first. She has Bubbles, a little coloured girl as playmate and serva…

János vitéz

Read by Diana Majlinger

Sándor Petőfi

A János vitéz mára már klasszikussá vált Magyarország-szerte. Kukorica Jancsi tört&eac…


In Silver Chimes in Syria: Glimpses of a Missionary's Experiences

Read by Diana Majlinger

William S. Nelson

William S. Nelson, D.D., was appointed as a missionary to Syria by the Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church, USA in 1888. I…

Part III - Queen Elena of Italy, Ch. I - A Mountain Princess

In Royal Romances of Today

Read by Diana Majlinger

Kellogg Durland

"In the year 1907, the Woman’s Home Companion commissioned me to go to Russia to write the story of the early days, courtship and marri…

Byzantine Society - the Empire's Place in History

In The Byzantine Empire

Read by Diana Majlinger

Edward Foord

A concise and comprehensive guide to the Byzantine empire from Constantine to its dissolution. Foord explores in an accessible manner why it…

Anyám tyúkja

In Multilingual Poetry Collection 013

Read by Diana Majlinger

Petofi Sandor and Sándor Petőfi

In LibriVox’s Multilingual Poetry Collection, LibriVox volunteers read their favourite public-domain poems in languages other than English. …

Félig csókolt csók

In Multilingual Poetry Collection 020

Read by Diana Majlinger

Endre Ady

In LibriVox’s Multilingual Poetry Collection, LibriVox volunteers read their favourite public-domain poems in languages other than English. …