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Ein Vade mecum für den Hrn. Sam. Gotth. Lange Pastor in Laublingen

Read by Marilianus

Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

Lessings Kritik an der Horazübersetzung des seinerzeit bekannten Pastors Lange ist unerbittlich und von fast brutaler Genauigkeit. Aus …

Hebrew Grammar: 00 - Preface by Hermann L. Strack (1848-1922)

In LibriVox Language Learning Collection Vol. 005

Read by Marilianus

Hermann L. Strack

This collection is part of an initiative to create a language learning resource at LibriVox. The LibriVox Language Learning Collections cont…

15 - Lessons 52-55

In An Introduction to the Greek of the New Testament

Read by Marilianus

George Lovell Cary

A collection of lessons (primarily in grammar) for New Testament Greek (also known as Koine) collected by a professor at Meadville Theologic…

Version 2

In Poème du Mois - 004 L'albatros

Read by Marilianus

Charles Baudelaire

Albatros ont été décrits comme "le plus légendaire de tous les oiseaux". Un albatros est un embl&egrav…