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Chapter 2 - The How and the Why of Indian Wars

In The Indian To-day

Read by Meg Marquardt

Charles Alexander Eastman

Based in part upon the author's own observations and personal knowledge, it was the aim of the book to set forth the status and outlook of t…

04 - Part I, Section II: Chapter III - V

In The Theory of Moral Sentiments (First Edition)

Read by Meg Tryton

Adam Smith

"How selfish soever man may be supposed, there are evidently some principles in his nature, which interest him in the fortunes of other…

The Devoted Friend

In Children's Short Works, Vol. 003

Read by Meg Tryton

Oscar Wilde

LibriVox’s Children’s Short Works Collection 003: a collection of 10 short works for children in the public domain read by a variety of Libr…

Chapter XIX: Deacon Stew Threatens to Shoot Jemmy

In An Entirely New Feature of a Thrilling Novel! Entitled, The Social War of the y…

Read by Meg Turecek

Simon Landis

Described by contributor Jess Nevins as “the worst science fiction novel of the 19th century,” The Social War of 1900, or The Conspi…