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Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada

Read by Melanie Schleeter McCalmont

Clarence King

"Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada" is a memoir by Clarence King of his adventures and work with the California Geological Surve…

Biographical Memoir of John Wesley Powell, 1834-1902

Read by Melanie Schleeter McCalmont

William Morris Davis

This is Volume VIII of the National Academy of Sciences Biographical Memoirs series. It is read as 33 sections using the memoir headings. Jo…


In Laotzu's Tao and Wu Wei (Tao Teh King)

Read by Melanie Schleeter McCalmont

Lao Tzu and Laozi 老子

The classic of the Way and of High Virtue is the Tao Teh Ching. Its author is generally held as a contemporary of Confucius, Lao Tzu, or Lao…