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Chapter 6

In Humility: The Beauty of Holiness

Read by Nathan

Andrew Murray

A book on the all importance of humility, how Jesus was humble, and how we also can become humble. Murray wrote "Without humility, ther…

15 - Book 5, pt 3 - The rudeness of the early life of men. The invention of spe…

In On the Nature of Things (Watson translation)

Read by Nathan

Titus Lucretius Carus

Written in the first century b.C., On the Nature of Things (in Latin, De Rerum Natura) is a poem in six books that aims at explaining the Ep…

Corona, La (The Cycle of 'The Crown')

In A Selection of Divine Poems

Read by Nathan

John Donne

John Donne was an English Jacobean preacher, sometime lawyer, later in life a Member of Parliament and Royal Chaplain. Marrying for love aga…

1 - Tristram and Iseult Part 1: Tristram

In Tristram and Iseult & Sohrab and Rustum

Read by Nathan

Matthew Arnold

Tristam & Iseult is a narrative poem containing strong romantic and tragic themes: and was first published in 1852 by Matthew Arnold. Th…

00 Introduction

In The Bridal of Triermain

Read by Nathan

Sir Walter Scott

Scott's The Bridal of Triermain is a rhymed, romantic, narrative poem which weaves together elements of popular English legend using dramati…

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