Написанные и впервые вышедшие в свет в середине XIX века, "Записки Охотника" Ивана Сергеевича Тургенева открывают перед нами мир п…
In Birds and Nature, Vol. XI, No 4, April 1902
"Birds and Nature" was a monthly publication of the Nature Study Publishing Company of Chicago. It includes short poems, anecdotes…
In A Ship, an Isle, a Sickle Moon
Of all recent poets of his kind, Flecker is the most successful. The classical tradition of poetry has been mocked and mutilated by many of …
In The Cheery Way, a Bit of Verse for Every Day - May
There should be a bit of poetry in every day, and John Kendrick Bangs wrote a fitting poem for each day in the year. In 1920, a book was pub…