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Your Bridge To Money

Read by Michael Sean Finley

Michael Sean Finley

Your Bridge To Money is a life guide for your personal finances. The Author is an average guy who simply has a passion for personal finance…

Adrift on an Ice-Pan

Read by Sean Michael Hogan

Sir Wilfred Grenfell

This autobiographical work describes the author's harrowing experience caught on a small drifting piece of ice, while crossing a frozen bay …

Le Petit Nord

Read by Sean Michael Hogan

Anne Maclanahan Grenfell

A collection of letters from Anne (MacLanahan) Grenfell, future wife of Sir Wilfred Grenfell, regarding her year of missionary service at th…

Ballads of Lost Haven: A Book of the Sea

Read by Sean Michael Hogan

Bliss Carman

This collection of lyric poems evokes the sea in every line, from birth (A Son of the Sea) to death (Outbound). The smells, sights and sound…

Canadian Wonder Tales

Read by Sean Michael Hogan

Cyrus Macmillan

This is a collection of folk tales originating in Canada, some from aboriginal oral tradition and others due to early French, Scottish, Iris…

The Unsolved Riddle of Social Justice

Read by Sean Michael Hogan

Stephen Leacock

This lengthy political essay by noted Canadian humourist Stephen Leacock was written while he was professor of political economy at McGill U…

14 - Chapter 14: Of the Proportion Between Punishments and Offences

In An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation

Read by Sean Michael Hogan

Jeremy Bentham

Jeremy Bentham's Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation, a classic text in modern philosophy and jurisprudence, first publ…

Night and a Voice

In The Woman in the Alcove

Read by Sean Michael Hogan

Anna Katharine Green

"I was, perhaps, the plainest girl in the room that night. I was also the happiest—up to one o'clock. Then my whole world crumbled, or,…

Version 5

In The World

Read by Sean Michael Hogan

Henry Vaughan

LibriVox volunteers bring you 5 recordings of The World by Henry Vaughan. This was the Fortnightly Poetry project for July 26th, 2009.