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In 4 SF Stories by Mack Reynolds

Read by Phil Chenevert

Mack Reynolds

4 Science Fiction Stories by the quirky Mack Reynolds from the golden age of SF, the 1950s - Summary by phil chenevert

Part I

In Buccaneer of the Star Seas

Read by Phil Chenevert

Edward Earl Repp

A nifty pulp SF story written in 1940 and published in Planet Stories. What would happen if someone found the secret of immortality in 142…

Part 4

In The Flame Breathers

Read by Phil Chenevert

Ray Cummings

Did the planet Vulcan exist? It supposedly orbited our sun on the opposite side from the Earth but it was only theoretical speculation. On…

Part 1

In The Vortex Blaster Makes War

Read by Phil Chenevert

E. E. “Doc” Smith

It's the Vortex Blaster, Doc Smith's science fiction hero that has already saved the world from atomic vortices with his prodigious computin…

Part 1

In The Last Evolution

Read by Phil Chenevert

John Wood Campbell Jr. and John Wood Campbell, Jr.

John Campbell Jr. gives us a story about evolution. What will be man's ultimate evolution? What will he look like 100,000 years in the fut…

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