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The Georgics: A Poem of the Land

Read by George Emerson


A poem by the Latin poet Virgil, the second of his three known works. "Georgic" means "to work the land," and on such ma…

There is an Air of Majesty

In Mountain Idylls, and Other Poems

Read by George Emerson

Alfred Castner King

"The author of this unpretentious volume has long questioned the advisability of adding a book to our already inflated and overloaded l…

Wingfold and Barbara

In There and Back

Read by George Emerson

George MacDonald

An unscrupulous baronet is left a widower and couldn't care less what happens to his ugly newborn heir. But when an icy stepmother moves in …

Edgar Allan Poe, Part 1, An Appreciation

In Short Nonfiction Collection, Vol. 085

Read by George Emerson


"A regard for decency, even at the cost of success, is but the regard for one's own dignity" was novelist Joseph Conrad's take on …