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The Dark Frigate

Read by Kathrine Engan

Charles Boardman Hawes

The frigate Rose of Devon rescues from a wreck in mid-ocean twelve men who show their gratitude by seizing the Rose, killing her captain and…


Read by Kathrine Engan

Knut Hamsun

Pan tells the story Lieutenant Glahn and his summer in a forest north in Norway. He lives in a hut with his dog Aesop and they spend their d…

The Last of the Vikings

Read by Kathrine Engan

Johan Bojer

In a small village on the coast of Northern Norway lives the Myran family. Father is a fisher man and is, in the eyes of the oldest son, lik…

Den siste viking

Read by Kathrine Engan

Johan Bojer

Denne romanen forteller historien om ei gruppe fattige fiskere på begynnelsen av 1900-tallet og et års Lofotfiske. Vi føl…

V-VI The Security Council, Peaceful Settlement of Disputes

In United Nations Agreements

Read by Kathrine Engan

United Nations

The Charter of the United Nations signed at San Francisco on 26 June 1945 is the constituent treaty of the United Nations. It is as well one…

The Princess of Babylon

In The Strange Story Book

Read by Kathrine Engan

Leonora Blanche Lang

A collection of stories compiled by the widow of the renowned children's short-story collector, Andrew Lang. She describes this as the final…

Sonnet 130 - Read by KE

In Sonnet 130

Read by Kathrine Engan

William Shakespeare

A LibriVox Weekly Poetry tribute to William Shakespeare marking the 400th anniversary of the Bard's death in April 2016. Two of Shakespeare…

La miel silvestre

In Cuentos de Amor de Locura y de Muerte

Read by Kathrine Engan

Horacio Quiroga

Colección de cuentos de Horacio Quiroga.

North Cape

In Mountain Adventures in the Various Countries of the World

Read by Kathrine Engan

John Timbs

Mountains have always been fascinating as places of special adventure. This book. first published in 1869, collects true stories of real-lif…

Chapter 53 Birds and Fish

In The Reason Why

Read by Kathrine Engan

Robert Kemp Philp

This collection of useful information on "Common Things" is put in the interesting form of "Why and Because," and compre…

2 To the Gulf of Cortez

In Hunting In Many Lands

Read by Kathrine Engan

George H. Gould

The first volume published by the Boone and Crockett Club, entitled "American Big Game Hunting," confined itself to sport on the A…

J.H.Patterson, Moorabee

In Letters from Victorian Pioneers

Read by Kathrine Engan


A series of letters on the early occupation of the colony, the Aborigines, etc addressed by Victorian pioneers to his Excellency Charles Jos…