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The Dark Frigate

Read by Kathrine Engan

Charles Boardman Hawes

The frigate Rose of Devon rescues from a wreck in mid-ocean twelve men who show their gratitude by seizing the Rose, killing her captain and…


Read by Kathrine Engan

Knut Hamsun

Pan tells the story Lieutenant Glahn and his summer in a forest north in Norway. He lives in a hut with his dog Aesop and they spend their d…

The Last of the Vikings

Read by Kathrine Engan

Johan Bojer

In a small village on the coast of Northern Norway lives the Myran family. Father is a fisher man and is, in the eyes of the oldest son, lik…

Den siste viking

Read by Kathrine Engan

Johan Bojer

Denne romanen forteller historien om ei gruppe fattige fiskere på begynnelsen av 1900-tallet og et års Lofotfiske. Vi føl…

Chapter 5 - Part 1

In Lay Down Your Arms: The Autobiography of Martha von Tilling

Read by Kathrine Engan

Bertha Von Suttner

Die Waffen Nieder, in English: Lay Down Your Arms is a fictional biography, which describes four wars from the perspective of a soldier's wi…

The burning of Njal (1014), from the Saga of Burnt Njal

In The World’s Story Volume VIII: Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Greenland and …

Read by Kathrine Engan

Eva March Tappan

This is the eighth volume of the 15-volume series of The World’s Story: a history of the World in story, song and art, edited by Eva March T…

Why the Worms Live Underneath the Ground

In Folk Stories from Southern Nigeria, West Africa

Read by Kathrine Engan

Elphinstone Dayrell

A collection of folk stories and fairy tales from Southern Nigeria gathered by Elphinstone Dayrell, deputy commissioner of the region when t…