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Ch 2 Almost a Murder

In Fame and Fortune Weekly No. 8: The Wheel of Fortune

Read by Keith Salis

Frank Tousey

This is the story of Bert Hawley who, at a young age, saw his mother die of illness and had to fend off his drunken father in their ramshack…


In Fabian Essays in Socialism

Read by Keith Salis

Sidney Olivier

The Fabian Society is a British institution, which, though radical, advocated social reform through legislative rather than revolutionary me…

Ch 2 Nip and Tuck Take Possession of their Offices

In Fame and Fortune Weekly No. 9: Nip and Tuck

Read by Keith Salis

Frank Tousey

Nip and Tuck are the best of rivals. Throughout the time they've known each other, they seemed to be interested in the same things and in co…

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